
International Eucharistic Congress begins in Ecuador with call to fraternity

Bishops: The Eucharist can recommit the faithful to care of creation

Catholics pray that seeds of faith planted during street ministry at congress take root

On mission to lead people to encounter Jesus in the Eucharist

National Eucharistic Congress should inspire evangelization in the Archdiocese of St. Louis

St. Louis Catholics share ‘passion of Jesus’ at National Eucharistic Congress

‘Eucharistic witnesses in the world’

‘Jesus cannot help but pour Himself out’ on National Eucharistic Pilgrimage, pilgrim says

New study says 69% of Massgoers believe in Real Presence

Pilgrims follow Mother Seton’s ‘Eucharistic fire’ sharing Jesus

Ancient tradition in Old Town

First Communion Project connects high schoolers with second-graders to share love for the Eucharist

SERVE THE LORD WITH GLADNESS | The Eucharist allows us to take in the ‘medicine of immortality’

Young people find their faith flourishes through Vietnamese Eucharistic Youth Movement

‘Whatever we are doing here, it has to flow from the Eucharist’

DEAR FATHER | The Eucharist and the priesthood fulfill Jesus’ promise that He would be with us

The source and summit

Young families’ Holy Hour gives littlest disciples and their parents the chance to encounter Jesus in the Eucharist

‘We have to show Christ to the people’ | Catholics process through city streets in archdiocesan Corpus Christi procession

Archdiocese to host candlelight eucharistic procession on Corpus Christi weekend

Vianney steps up eucharistic reverence, devotion with small acts performed with great love

Pilgrimage of Beauty links treasure of the Eucharist with treasures of historic churches

PRAYER AND PROCESSION: SLU’s Catholic Studies Center, Young Adult Ministry foster Eucharistic Revival on campus

At Eucharistic Revival Youth Rally at Ascension Parish in Chesterfield, teens find that God gives true fulfillment

Jesus loves us as we are and invites us to be saints, SEEK keynote speakers Sister Miriam James Heidland and Father Josh Johnson explain

Graces of the Eucharist on display at St. Gianna Parish in Wentzville

Feast of Corpus Christi celebrated in the archdiocese, kicking off multi-year Eucharistic Revival

Eucharistic Revival launches nationally, in the Archdiocese of St. Louis June 19; aims to nurture devotion to the Real Presence in the Eucharist

Pastors have discretion to offer Precious Blood at Masses starting with Corpus Christi

Abp. Rozanski: End of Mass dispensation is a time to reflect on the importance of the Eucharist

DEAR FATHER | Adoration is a time to concentrate solely on the presence of Jesus

DEAR FATHER | Preparing to receive Communion starts at home

First Communion is a special time to instill love for the Eucharist in children

SERVE THE LORD WITH GLADNESS | The world’s longings are abidingly fulfilled in the Eucharist

Visits to bring Communion to homebound people have impact

Flock at Good Shepherd receive eucharistic blessing via daylong procession

Examples in history point to Catholics who have been deprived the Eucharist in times of hardship

Our Lady of the Pillar parishioner has led Communion services at The Gatesworth for 22 years

DEAR FATHER | Adoration is a time to concentrate solely on the presence of Jesus

DEAR FATHER | Preparing to receive Communion starts at home

Lenten program on the Eucharist proves popular

Jesus’ life leads Church to require wheat for Blessed Sacrament

DEAR FATHER | Manner of cleaning sacred vessels speaks to reverence, respect for Eucharist

Lenten series looks at Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist

DEAR FATHER | Adoration is a time to concentrate solely on the presence of Jesus

Advent joy | Confession helps us prepare for Christmas

DEAR FATHER | Quality of reception more important than quantity in Holy Communion

Parish extended Eucharistic Adoration as nation went to polls

First Communion dress links generations

DEAR FATHER | Manner of cleaning sacred vessels speaks to reverence, respect for Eucharist