Organizations in archdiocese raise more than $900,000 through Giving Tuesday #iGiveCatholic campaign Archdiocesan news
SERVE THE LORD WITH GLADNESS | Jesus’ birth fulfills the prophets who heralded the coming Messiah Columns/Opinions
SUNDAY SCRIPTURES FOR DEC. 15 | We rejoice when we recognize the presence of Jesus in our midst Columns/Opinions
Knights and Ladies of Peter Claver fill bellies, share in fellowship at Thanksgiving meal Archdiocesan news
SUNDAY SCRIPTURES FOR DEC. 15 | We rejoice when we recognize the presence of Jesus in our midst Columns/Opinions
DEAR FATHER | Cultivating consistent spiritual practices can help us welcome Christ into our hearts Columns/Opinions
SIRVAN AL SEÑOR CON ALEGRÍA | El nacimiento de Jesús cumple a los profetas que anunciaron la venida del Mesías Serve The Lord With Gladness
SUNDAY SCRIPTURES FOR DEC 22 | We can say ‘yes’ to God’s call, even if we don’t know how it will happen Sunday Scriptures