
Who are we actually trying to reach for Christ?

Discipleship grows through collaboration, not competition

A foundation of prayer

Catholic grandparenting groups offer inspiration, support in passing down God’s love

Assume nothing on the faith journey

On mission to lead people to encounter Jesus in the Eucharist

National Eucharistic Congress should inspire evangelization in the Archdiocese of St. Louis

‘Eucharistic witnesses in the world’

Called to be light to the world

Parishes in St. Charles County embrace spirit of collaboration

In step with God’s plan

Wear & Give bracelet ministry encourages devotion to Our Lady through everyday evangelization

Soon-to-be ordained seminarians say formation has been time of growth, discovery

Jefferson County parishes united under one pastor find renewed vibrant ministries through collaboration

Crowd at Kansas City eucharistic event urged to proclaim ‘Christ is king’ to ‘the heights’

Evangelization in action at the NFL Draft

Augustine Institute closes on former Boeing property

The treasures of the Church

Most Sacred Heart parishioners follow Holy Spirit’s nudge to reach others through podcast

‘The Way’ is a new process for parishes, ministries to boost evangelization efforts, create a path for discipleship

SERVE THE LORD WITH GLADNESS | Becoming a more evangelizing Church requires creativity in bringing Jesus into the cultural context

Support for seminarians, fuel for evangelization

‘We found courage we never had before’: Parishioner, archbishop share evangelization experiences at SEEK First event

DEAR FATHER | Evangelization is most effective if our hearts are already ablaze with love for Jesus

Totally Yours | ‘We have a lot of fun following Christ’

Sursum Corda has a ball building up Catholic community at St. Francis de Sales Oratory

Parishioners at St. Joseph in Zell incorporate faith into fellowship as they increase focus on evangelization

Parish restructuring starts new chapter in archdiocese

Formation of vicariates will put support closer to parishes and the people they serve

Decrees explain changes to parish structures

Archbishop Rozanski’s message to the faithful

SIRVAN AL SEÑOR CON ALEGRÍA | Después de la Ascensión, la presencia de Jesús a los discípulos, y a nosotros, cambió

SERVE THE LORD WITH GLADNESS | After the Ascension, Jesus’ presence to the disciples —and us — changed

Aquinas Institute of Theology launches new center dedicated to evangelization

Ukrainian dinner at St. Justin Martyr brings together South County parishioners for pierogies and prayer

Creating community while cutting a rug

Music minister and convert Simeon Layne and the late Deacon Charles Allen honored with St. Charles Lwanga Center’s Lifetime Achievement Award

A model of inclusion: Parishes have special role in accommodating needs of people with autism, Catholic families say

Totus Tuus program for children, teens returns this summer to form disciples

Moved to be ‘more like Mary’

SIRVAN AL SEÑOR CON ALEGRÍA | La fidelidad a la ley de Dios es un testimonio poderoso

No hook, line and sinker for Friday Night Fish, which brings fun and fellowship to the forefront of Lenten fish fries

Rite of Election and Call to Continuing Conversion one of the last important steps on the journey to becoming Catholic

Catholic Men for Christ draws nearly 900 to build faith, community

Participants in Evangelization 101 workshops hear practical tips for sharing one’s testimony and get a chance to practice

At Holy Cross Academy, united community extends beyond the school day

Workshops will focus on what it means to evangelize, sharing personal faith stories

Jesus loves us as we are and invites us to be saints, SEEK keynote speakers Sister Miriam James Heidland and Father Josh Johnson explain

Changing the way we share the Gospel message

Parishioners at SEEK learn tools to evangelize through testimony, accompaniment