
SUNDAY SCRIPTURES FOR DEC. 15 | We rejoice when we recognize the presence of Jesus in our midst

SERVE THE LORD WITH GLADNESS | Let’s bend our lives more toward Christ

DEAR FATHER | Cultivating consistent spiritual practices can help us welcome Christ into our hearts

SUNDAY SCRIPTURES FOR DEC. 1 | In Advent, let’s be more awake to how we welcome Jesus

An Advent of accompaniment

SERVE THE LORD WITH GLADNESS | End of Advent is a reminder to organize everything around Jesus

The gift of hope in the midst of grief during the holidays

DEAR FATHER | Advent is first in liturgical year as recognition of first moment of Christ’s life

The Nativity is a reminder of God’s incarnational love for humanity

Advent offers us anticipation amid the darkness

Advent is a perfect opportunity for small acts of evangelization

DEAR FATHER | O Antiphons mark great joy that is about to come at Christmas

SERVE THE LORD WITH GLADNESS | To flourish, we must stop avoiding the darkness

DEAR FATHER | Advent is first in liturgical year as recognition of first moment of Christ’s life

SERVE THE LORD WITH GLADNESS | Waiting patiently allows us to leap into flame with Christ at Christmas

From darkness comes the light of Christ

From darkness to light

Simbang Gabi is Filipino Advent tradition honoring the Blessed Mother

Parents, schools help children wade through distractions of Christmas

DEAR FATHER | O Antiphons mark great joy that is about to come at Christmas

SERVE THE LORD WITH GLADNESS | God’s grace lights our internal darkness

Advent: A time for patient waiting

Kenrick-Glennon Seminary Advent Novena is a longstanding tradition to prepare for the coming of Christ

“Stations” of Advent are a way to help us connect the birth of Jesus and the Second Coming at the end of time

St. Clare of Assisi is evangelizing its own during Advent with family gathering tradition

DEAR FATHER | O Antiphons mark great joy that is about to come at Christmas

Father Dominic cites traditions, religious messages in Christmas baking

Baking illustrates Advent spirituality

During Advent, preparing our hearts for the coming of the Lord comes through emulating the key figures of the Nativity

DEAR FATHER | Advent is first in liturgical year as recognition of first moment of Christ’s life

One-day Advent faith-formation program planned

Virtues are a way to reflect on the light of Christ at Advent

“Lessons and Carols” event Dec. 17 to feature readings, display of images from Saint John’s Bible

‘Sounds of the Season’ to feature choir, documentary

DEAR FATHER | O Antiphons mark great joy that is about to come at Christmas

BEFORE THE CROSS | God’s truth has been given as a seed for us to nurture

From the root of Jesse a child will be born

LIGHT IT UP | Create new traditions to usher in the birth of Christ this Advent

Advent joy | Confession helps us prepare for Christmas

DEAR FATHER | Advent is first in liturgical year as recognition of first moment of Christ’s life

‘Glorious Night’ brings Christmas joy