Hallow partnership

The Archdiocese of St. Louis has partnered with Catholic prayer app Hallow to offer a $1 yearlong subscription to the app. Hallow features a wide range of Catholic audio content designed to help users dive deeper into prayer, including guided Rosaries, novenas and meditations, as well as scriptural reflections, homilies, music playlists, saint stories and more. The archdiocese will also host four prayer challenges on the app throughout the year; the first begins on Oct. 21 and will draw from Archbishop Mitchell T. Rozanski’s “Disciples Make Disciples” vision for evangelization.
To learn more and sign up, visit archstl.org/pray.
The Archdiocese of St. Louis has partnered with Catholic prayer app Hallow to offer a $1 yearlong subscription to the app. Hallow features a wide range of Catholic audio content designed to help users … Hallow partnership
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