Archdiocesan news briefs
Living Rosary for Life
Our Lady of Guadalupe for Life will host a Living Rosary for Life at 2:30 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 19, at Assumption Church, 4725 Mattis Road in south St. Louis County. The group will pray the Rosary and honor Our Lady of Lourdes. Our Lady of Guadalupe for Life is a nonprofit group that sponsors pro-life billboards along St. Louis area highways. For more information on the Living Rosary for Life, contact Anna Maria Usselmann at (314) 487-2066.
Young adult retreat
All young adults are invited to a “Hearts on Fire” Lenten retreat on Saturday, March 4, at the Cardinal Rigali Center, 20 Archbishop May Drive in Shrewsbury. Father Joe Laramie, SJ, and Jesuit scholastics of Saint Louis University will lead the Ignatian-inspired retreat, which will include four talks about Lent and young adult life, small groups, adoration, confession and an optional Mass. Cost is $20, which includes lunch. For more information and to register, visit
Permanent deacon info night
The Office of the Permanent Diaconate will host permanent diaconate information nights at 6:30 p.m. Monday, March 13 and 20, at the Cardinal Rigali Center. These informational meetings are for men who are interested in exploring the possibility of a vocation to the permanent diaconate. Interested men are invited to attend one of the sessions. Wives of interested men are strongly encouraged to attend. For more information or to reserve a spot, please contact (314) 792-7433.
Places to Pray
La Salle Retreat Center will be featured in a new book, “Places to Pray,” by Patrick Murphy. Murphy will visit La Salle, 2101 Rue de LaSalle Drive in Wildwood, at 6 p.m. Tuesday, March 21, where he will share his stories of traveling throughout Missouri exploring and photographing Catholic churches, shrines and monasteries. The book is due to be released in March. For more information, visit
Marriage Encounter Weekends
Worldwide Marriage Encounter is hosting weekend experiences for married couples to rekindle romance, enhance meaningful communication and deepen and renew commitment. Three Encounter Weekends are scheduled for March 31-April 2 at the Fairfield Inn (Westport Plaza) in St. Louis; May 5-7 at the Drury Plaza Hotel in Cape Girardeau; and August 4-6 at the Courtyard Marriott in St. Peters. For more information or to register, visit, or call Terry and Eric Engholm at (314) 649-7317.
East meets West
As part of the Eucharistic Revival, Catholics are invited to a Come and See hosted at several Eastern Rite Catholic churches this spring. All are welcome to join with Eastern Rite Catholics, who are in communion with the Roman Rite, to experience how the West meets the East in the sacred celebration of the Eucharist. Sessions will be held at 2 p.m. at St. Louis Byzantine Catholic Church on April 16 and 23 and May 7 and 28; 2 p.m. at St. Mary’s Assumption Ukrainian Catholic Church, April 23 and May 7 and 14; and 10:15 a.m. at St. Raymond Maronite Cathedral, March 18 and 26, April 16 and 23 and May 21. Spots are limited. To register, visit
Living Rosary for Life Our Lady of Guadalupe for Life will host a Living Rosary for Life at 2:30 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 19, at Assumption Church, 4725 Mattis Road in … Archdiocesan news briefs
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