Archdiocesan news briefs
Heat Up St. Louis
Vincentians at Seven Holy Founders Parish in Affton collected donations Feb. 10 as part of Hardee’s Rise & Shine campaign to benefit Heat Up St. Louis. Pictured, from left, are Mike Carosone, Mary Gereaux, Steve Creamer, Don Pieschel, John Mallon, Maryann Creamer and Buzz Swanston. Heat Up St. Louis is a nonprofit organization that assists area elderly and disabled people and low-income families with their delinquent heating bills in Missouri and Illinois in the St. Louis region.
Pro-Life Action Day
Missouri Right to Life will host a “Show Me Life” pro-life action day Tuesday, March 8, at the Missouri State Capitol in Jefferson City, Missouri. Guest speaker will be Melissa Ohden, who survived a failed saline infusion abortion in her mother’s womb at a Sioux City, Iowa, hospital in 1977. Registration begins at 10 a.m., with a rally at noon. Participants also will meet with legislators and encourage them to pass pro-life legislation. Transportation is available. For more information, call (573) 635-5110 or visit
Naming and Commendation
A Mass including the rite of Naming and Commendation for an Infant Who Has Died Before Birth will take place at 8 a.m. Saturday, March 12, at St. Cletus Church, 2705 Zumbehl Road in St. Charles. The special rite memorializes children who have died before birth, including miscarriage, stillbirth, abortion or accident. The Mass, which will be celebrated by Father Mark Whitman, will offer parents and families an opportunity to name the child, bring peaceful closure to great loss, and unite with our merciful God. For more information, contact Deb Young at To learn more about offering the rite at your parish, email the Respect Life Apostolate at or call (314) 792-7555.
Hearts on Fire retreat
Young adults are invited to a “Hearts on Fire” retreat from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday, March 26, at the Cardinal Rigali Center in Shrewsbury. The retreat will be centered on Ignatian spirituality and include eucharistic adoration and reflections led by the Jesuits. Cost is $15, including lunch. For more information, email
Excellent educators
Three educators at area Catholic high schools have been selected to attend the Notre Dame Excellence in Teaching Conference March 12 and April 2. The conference is focused on topics related to empowering learners of all abilities. Attendees will include Galicia Guerro, Graduate Support Director at St. Cecilia School & Academy; Aidan Gillespie, a history, government and politics teacher at Ursuline Academy; and Robert Hutcheson, chairperson of the English department at De Smet Jesuit High School.
Heat Up St. Louis Vincentians at Seven Holy Founders Parish in Affton collected donations Feb. 10 as part of Hardee’s Rise & Shine campaign to benefit Heat Up St. Louis. Pictured, from left, are … Archdiocesan news briefs
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