Jesus Christ

The Nativity is a reminder of God’s incarnational love for humanity

DEAR FATHER | We trust that Mary prepares us well to meet her Son

SERVE THE LORD WITH GLADNESS | Seize the opportunities we’re given to proclaim the power of Jesus

SERVE THE LORD WITH GLADNESS | Holy Week is an opportunity to enter into the dying and rising with Jesus

SERVE THE LORD WITH GLADNESS | A groaning of spirit can become a place of prayer

DEAR FATHER | Scriptural clues indicate Joseph likely died before Jesus began His ministry

From darkness comes the light of Christ

Making an act of consecration is entering into a covenant of love with the Lord

DEAR FATHER | The fall of Adam and Eve helps to illuminate the logic of Christ’s death on the cross

DEAR FATHER | True cross relics have a long, storied history

The cross: An image of triumph, liberation, belief

Rolling away our tombstones at Easter is an opportunity to see the presence of the Christ in our midst

DEAR FATHER | The fall of Adam and Eve helps to illuminate the logic of Christ’s death on the cross

BEFORE THE CROSS | Let Jesus guide us through transition

DEAR FATHER | Jesus’ resurrection signifies that He began living anew

DEAR FATHER | Jesus’ desire to withhold His identity served greater purpose in revealing Him in totality

DEAR FATHER | What’s in a name? Last names are reflective of family roots

DEAR FATHER | Remember the mystery behind the finding of Jesus in the temple

BEFORE THE CROSS | As Jesus did, we must be willing to bear the cross for others

Divine Mercy Sunday celebrates the fullness of Christ’s mercy poured out at Easter

BEFORE THE CROSS | Recognizing the clues of Jesus’ presence in our lives

Dear Father | At the crucifixion, Jesus unites with those who feel God is absent from their lives