Summary of restriction in the Archdiocese of St Louis as of March 18
• All public Masses are suspended until April 6.
• All Catholic schools are closed until April 6.
• All school extracurricular activities, including athletics, are canceled or postponed until April 6.
• Lenten fish fries are to be drive-through, carry-out, or delivery only
• In order to maintain continued operation of parishes and their missions, parishioners are encouraged to use online giving, drop off or mail their contributions.
• Eucharistic adoration may continue, following guidelines of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention regarding numbers of people gathered.
• Weddings and funerals are at the discretion of parish pastor. The archdiocese recommends limiting attendance to immediate family members only or rescheduling.
• Baptisms are at the discretion of parish pastor Where possible, the archdiocese recommends that baptisms be conducted in a simple, private, individual ceremony.
• Recommendations are to celebrate the sacrament of penance using a screen (anonymously) to ensure the health department’s social distancing guidelines. If a penitent prefers to offer a confession fact to face, the chair should be placed approximately six feet apart. This may require holding confessions in a different location than usual.
• Anointing of the sick may be administered by priests to people seriously ill or in danger of death. However, priests administering the sacrament need to be in good health.
• All those administering sacraments to the elderly, sick or homebound need to follow proper protocols from the CDC for handwashing and use of masks by those infected and those who are administering.