Review, Catholic St. Louis receive top honors from Catholic Press Association

The St. Louis Review and Catholic St. Louis received a combined 36 awards from the Catholic Press Association at the Catholic Media Conference awards banquet June 23 at Laval University in Quebec, Canada.
The Review received first place for newspaper of the year for weekly diocesan newspapers with circulation over 25,001, the highest honor for newspapers in that category. Judges said the paper included stories that “were applicable to readers of all ages and backgrounds. Excellent localization (and culturally significant stories) and use of photography.” Judges also complimented the writing for drawing in the readers with “mental pictures and lively quotations.”
Catholic St. Louis received second place for diocesan magazine of the year and first place for best redesign of a magazine. Judges noted that the magazine featured “strong, playful, lively energetic design and content.”
In the all-member categories, Abigail Witte received a first-place award for best designer, and Teak Phillips earned an honorable mention for best editor.
Other individual awards include:
First place awards for the St. Louis Review:
Best use of art or graphics (“Lineage of the Kingdom,” by Abigail Witte and Lisa Johnston)
Best photo originating with a newspaper (portrait) (“Limberth at bedtime,” by Lisa Johnston)
Best multiple picture package originating with a newspaper (feature package) (“Mission to Bolivia: Land of peace,” by Lisa Johnston)
Best multiple picture package originating with a newspaper (Year of Mercy) (“Mercy in the Holy Land,” by Lisa Johnston)
Best coverage of pro-life issues (weekly diocesan paper, circulation 25,001 or more) (“Snow vs. Wade; Fetal remains; and Dignity of a happy death,” by staff)
Best newspaper special supplement or special issue (one-time special issue) (“Mission to Bolivia: Land of Peace,” by Joseph Kenny, Lisa Johnston and Abigail Witte)
Best election coverage (diocesan newspaper) (“As election nears, turn to prayer”; “Viewing election issue through lens of faith”; “One nation under God,” by staff)
Best in-depth news/special reporting (diocesan newspaper) (“Mission to Bolivia: Land of peace,” by Joseph Kenny)
Best news writing on a local or regional event (weekly diocesan newspaper, circulation 25,001 or more) (“Long road to recovery,” by staff)
Best feature writing (weekly diocesan newspaper, circulation 25,001 or more) (“Joyous Remembrance,” by Dave Luecking)
Best personality profile (weekly diocesan newspaper, circulation 25,001 or more) (“Fire for life,” by Jennifer Brinker)
Best coverage of the Year of Mercy (weekly diocesan newspaper, circulation 25,001 or more) (“Mercy in the Holy Land,” by staff);
Best newspaper story and photo package (“Mercy in the Holy Land,” by Elizabeth Westhoff and Lisa Johnston)
First Place award for Catholic St. Louis:
Best story and photo package in a magazine (“Solidarity in Bolivia,” by Joseph Kenny and Lisa Johnston)
Second place awards for the St. Louis Review:
Best print circulation promotion campaign (“We are there with you,” by staff)
Best photo originating with a newspaper (scenic, still life or weather) (“Sea of Galilee,” by Lisa Johnston)
Best multiple picture package originating with a newspaper (feature package) (“Pan y Amor: Marked by love,” by Lisa Johnston)
Best investigative/analysis news writing (national newspaper or wire service) (“‘Nobody knows what they’re doing with the remains,'” by Jennifer Brinker)
Best investigative/analysis news writing (Gerard E. Sherry Award for diocesan newspaper) (“Dignity of a happy death,” by Jennifer Brinker)
Best coverage of the Olympics/Paralympics (Olympic games) (“Olympic moment; God’s light shines brightly; Long process pays off for Olympic volleyball player,” by staff)
Second place award for Catholic St. Louis magazine:
Best magazine explanation of Church’s position on marriage (“More than ‘I do,'” by Jennifer Brinker)
Third Place awards for the St. Louis Review:
Best photo originating with a newspaper (general news) (“Crying buckets of tears,” by Lisa Johnston)
Best newspaper special supplement or special issue (one-time special issue) (“Pan y Amor: Marked by love,” by Joseph Kenny, Lisa Johnston and Abigail Witte)
Best newspaper special supplement or special issue (supplement on a bishop’s transition) (“Joyful farewell,” by staff)
Best newspaper story and photo package (“Mission to Bolivia: Land of peace,” by Joseph Kenny and Lisa Johnston)
Honorable mentions for the St. Louis Review:
Best promotional house ad (“We are there with you,” by staff)
Best photo originating with a newspaper (sports) (“Jayson Tatum dunk,” by Lisa Johnston)
Best in-depth news/special reporting (diocesan newspaper) (“Mercy in the Holy Land,” by Elizabeth Westhoff)
Best editorial on a local issue (weekly diocesan newspaper, circulation 25,001 or more) (“‘Decent’ work provides dignity,” by Joseph Kenny)
Best editorial on a national/international issue (weekly diocesan newspaper, circulation 25,001 or more) (“A time for unity,” by Joseph Kenny)
The St. Louis Review and Catholic St. Louis received a combined 36 awards from the Catholic Press Association at the Catholic Media Conference awards banquet June 23 at Laval University … Review, Catholic St. Louis receive top honors from Catholic Press Association
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