
OBITUARY | Sister Nanette Durham, OSSR

Sr. Durham

A private funeral and burial recently were held for Sister Nanette Rose Durham, OSSR. Sister Nanette died Nov. 19 at the age of 93.

Born in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, on July 26, 1927, she later became a pharmacist and was one of the pioneer women to enter the field. As the years went by, she felt a call to the contemplative life and joined the Redemptoristine Nuns making profession of vows at the Liguori monastery on the feast of Christ the King, Nov. 20, 1974.

Sister Nanette was chosen to be one of the foundresses of a new monastery in the Philippines in 1980. After spending a number of years in the tropics, she returned to Liguori because of health reasons. She was made the novice mistress for the first candidates from Thailand. Her prayerful spirit, her cheerfulness and genuine interest in each person were very much appreciated by the sisters and those for whom she prayed.

The last few years of her life were spent as a quiet prayerful presence at St. Andrew’s at Francis Place in Eureka. Burial was in the community’s cemetery.