Archdiocesan news

Beyond Sunday grants to benefit projects at Catholic schools, PSRs in the archdiocese

More than $656,000 recently distributed as fruits of campaign

School grants

The Roman Catholic Foundation of Eastern Missouri recently distributed $526,007 in school grants for the 2019-2020 academic year. The grants will fund 15 projects — 13 for Academic Capacity Enhancement and two for Transformational Innovation — at 29 Catholic schools and three Parish Schools of Religion. To date, the Roman Catholic Foundation has awarded $2.3 million in grants to schools and PSR programs, and to the archdiocesan Office of Catholic Education and Formation. The grants are the result of the Beyond Sunday campaign, which raised more than $110 million in pledges. The amount distributed and number of grants are slightly higher than what appears below, as a portion of a multi-year grant awarded in 2018 is being paid this year.

Endowment distributions

• Development of a Standard Based Curriculum for Advanced Learners [ACE] Advanced Learning Holy Cross Academy Parishes: Annunciation, Our Lady of Providence, St. John Paul II, St. Michael the Archangel and Seven Holy Founders $20,000
• Technology for All Students of Christ, Prince of Peace Parish [ACE] Tech Upgrade Christ, Prince of Peace School and PSR $50,000
• Technology Implementation and Integration Phase 2 [ACE] Tech Upgrade Archdiocesan Elementary Schools of the Archdiocese of St. Louis – Most Holy Trinity School and Academy, St. Cecilia School and Academy, and St. Louis Catholic Academy $50,000
• Enhancing SFA Student Outcomes with Increased Access to Technology [ACE] Tech Upgrade St. Francis of Assisi School and PSR $25,000
• Middle School Math Lab [ACE] Lab / Makerspace / Media Center St. Peter Catholic School $17,500
• STREAM Lab [ACE] Lab / Makerspace / Media Center Holy Spirit Catholic School $17,000
• Watch Cabrini Grow! [ACE] Outdoors / Environment St. Frances Cabrini Academy $13,050
• Innovation Lab (STREAM Lab) [ACE] Lab / Makerspace / Media Center St. Clare of Assisi School $30,000
• Our Lady Catholic School Inspiration to Innovation – Learning by Design Center [ACE] Lab / Makerspace / Media Center Our Lady Catholic School $71,373
• Guiding the Spiritual Scientists and Moral Makers of the Future [ACE] Lab / Makerspace / Media Center Immaculate Conception School – Dardenne Prairie $70,000
• Chemistry Lab & Classroom — Update for Collaborative Learning and Improved Safety [ACE] Lab / Makerspace / Media Center Duchesne High School $65,000
• Art Program Expansion [ACE] Art Program Expansion Rosati-Kain High School $38,681
• SPICE (Special People In Catholic Education) [TI] Advancement / Enrollment St. Peter Catholic School and PSR $1,000
• Embracing the Gift of Cultural, Racial, Religious and Economic Diversity in North County Catholic Schools [TI] Advancement / Enrollment Federation of Catholic Schools. Blessed Teresa of Calcutta School, Holy Spirit School, Our Lady of Guadalupe School, Sacred Heart School-Florissant, St. Ann School-Normandy, All Saints Academy (St. Ferdinand Campus, St. Norbert Campus, St. Rose Philippine Duchesne Campus) Christ Light of Nations School, Trinity Catholic High School $50,000

Additionally, 23 Catholic parishes, schools and ministries will benefit from this year’s endowment fund distributions, which total $130,162. Those benefiting organizations are listed below, and you can read a bit more here:


Ascension Catholic Church (Chesterfield)

St. Anselm Parish (Creve Coeur)

St. Ignatius Loyola Parish (Concord Hill)

St. Margaret Mary Alacoque Parish (St. Louis)


Bishop DuBourg High School (St. Louis)

Duchesne High School (St. Charles)

Rosati-Kain High School (St. Louis)

St. Dominic High School (O’Fallon)

St. Francis Borgia Regional High School (Washington)

St. Francis Cabrini Academy (St. Louis)

St. Joseph’s Academy (Frontenac)

St. Louis University High School (St. Louis)

St. Margaret Mary Alacoque School (St. Louis)

St. Mary’s High School (St. Louis)

St. Pius X High School (Festus)

St. Robert Bellarmine School (St. Charles)


Annual Catholic Appeal (Archdiocese of St. Louis)

Kenrick-Glennon Seminary (St. Louis)

Marygrove (Florissant)

Pontifical Paul VI Institute (St. Louis)

Roman Catholic Foundation (St. Louis)

St. Vincent de Paul Conference of St. Matthias the Apostle Catholic Church (Lemay)

Washington University Catholic Student Center (St. Louis)