Archdiocesan news

Archdiocesan news briefs


Urban education success

Cardinal Ritter College Prep High School will host the Eighth Annual “Celebrating Success in Urban Education” Gala, at 6 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 28, at The Coronado Ballroom, 3701 Lindell Blvd. in Midtown St. Louis. Michael McMillan, president/chief executive officer of the Metropolitan St. Louis Urban League, will serve as emcee. Archbishop Robert J. Carlson will be a featured speaker and Cardinal Justin Rigali will attend as an honored guest. Cardinal Ritter College Prep is an archdiocesan Catholic high school whose graduates are prepared to succeed based upon a strong foundation of academic excellence, faith development and leadership training. All of its 2018 graduates were accepted into colleges or universities. All proceeds from the gala will support the school’s financial assistance and scholarship program. For tickets or information, visit

Lenten book club

The Daughters of St. Paul will host WINE (Women in the New Evangelization) with their Lenten Book Club, “Read Between the Wine’s” 1-2 p.m. Wednesdays, March 6 to April 17 at Pauline Books & Media, 9804 Watson Road in Crestwood. WINE encourages, supports, and nurtures Catholic women in their faith by equipping and mobilizing them as intentional disciples of Jesus Christ. This Lent they will read “Meeting God in the Upper Room” by Msgr. Peter Vaghi. Call (314) 965-3512 to register.

Lenten film series

The Sisters Lenten Film Series on Thursdays at Pauline Books & Media, 9804 Watson Road in Crestwood, will include “Wonder,” March 7; “Amish Grace,” March 21; and “Goodbye Christopher Robin,” April 4. Movies begin at 6:30 p.m. followed by a guided discussion with the Daughters of St. Paul. Admission is free. For information, call (314) 965-3512.

Interreligious discussion

St. Clare of Assisi Parish in Ellisville’s latest “Thirsty for Theology” event will feature a discussion with pastor Father Chris Martin and Rabbi James Bennett of Congregation Shaare Emeth from 7-9 p.m. Thursday, March 7, at the Crafty Chameleon, 1384 Clarkson Clayton Center in Ellisville. The event is open to anyone 21 and older.

Information on the permanent diaconate

The Office of the Permanent Diaconate will hold informational meetings for men who are interested in exploring the possibility of a vocation to the permanent diaconate at 7 p.m. Tuesday, March 12, and Thursday, March 21, at Cardinal Rigali Center, 20 Archbishop May Drive in Shrewsbury. Interested men are invited to attend one of the sessions. Their wives are strongly encouraged to attend. For more information or to reserve a spot at the meeting, contact the office at (314) 792-7431, or

St. Jean Vianney Relic Tour

The Knights of Columbus tour of Curé of Ars Heart — the St. Jean Vianney Relic Pilgrimage is coming to the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Louis, 4431 Lindell Blvd., Friday, March 15. Public veneration of the relic will be available following Mass at 12:05 p.m. Confessions will be from 3-5 p.m., a reflection at 3:30 p.m., vespers at 5:30 p.m. and closing blessing at 6 p.m. The Shrine of Ars in France has entrusted to the Knights of Columbus the major relic of St. Jean Vianney’s incorrupt heart for the U.S. tour from November 2018 through early June 2019. The saint is the patron of parish priests, whose holiness and integrity is a model for clergy and laity alike.

St. Joseph Feast Day

La Salle Retreat Center in Glencoe will celebrate the feast day of St. Joseph on Tuesday, March 19. The celebration begins at 11:30 a.m. with prayer near the St. Joseph Grotto. Afterward, a lunch will be served in the dining room. Tours of the grounds will also be available. The retreat center is at 2101 Rue De LaSalle Drive, along Highway 109 about 3.5 miles north of interstate 44 in Eureka. To reserve a spot, call (636) 938-5374.

God’s mercy

“An Evening for the Separated/Divorced: A Reflection on God’s Mercy” led by Father Aaron Nord, adjutant judicial vicar with the archdiocese’s Marriage Tribunal, will be held from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Thursday, March 21, at the Cardinal Rigali Center, 20 Archbishop May Drive in Shrewsbury. The program is sponsored by the archdiocesan Office of Marriage and Family Life. For information or to reserve a spot, call Julie Bostick at (314) 792-7180.

Habitat home

Habitat for Humanity of St. Charles County is seeking applications through Feb. 28 from individuals and families to be considered for a home in St. Charles County. To qualify, applicants must be in need of safe and affordable housing and have lived or worked in St. Charles County for one year at the time of application. In addition, individuals and families must meet the income requirements and have a willingness to partner with Habitat and complete “sweat equity” hours. Habitat approves applicants for homes they will purchase with affordable mortgages. For an application, visit or call (636) 978-5712. A homeowner information meeting will be held at 6 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 26, at the Habitat St. Charles Office, 2041 Trade Center Drive in St. Peters.