Archdiocesan news

Archdiocesan news briefs

Archdiocesan news briefs

Vincentians’ 400th anniversary

Archbishop Mitchell T. Rozanski presided at a Mass Jan. 25 at St. Vincent de Paul Church in St. Louis to celebrate the 400th anniversary of the founding of the Congregation of the Mission (Vincentians). Pictured with the archbishop, from left, were Father Jim Cormack, CM, Western Province Provincial Father Joseph S. Williams, CM, and Father James Swift, CM. Archbishop Andrew Bellisario, CM, of the Archdiocese of Anchorage-Juneau, Alaska, gave the homily.

St. Vincent de Paul founded the community on Jan. 25, 1625, in Paris. The Vincentians’ charism and mission is modeled after the saint, who was devoted to the evangelization of the poor, education of the clergy and laity and spreading of the Gospel. More than 3,000 Vincentian priests and brothers currently serve in 95 countries.

Second Safe Haven Baby Box opens

The second Safe Haven Baby Box in Missouri debuted with a blessing held Jan. 27 at the Big River Ambulance District, Station 1, in Cedar Hill. Pictured are, from left, Chief Scott Fisher and Byrnes Mill Police Department Chaplain David Stain. The baby box, located on an external wall of the building and available 24 hours, seven days a week, allows a safe, anonymous and legal way to surrender a baby. The baby box became the 309th in the United States since the Indiana-based nonprofit organization was founded in 2016. The first Safe Haven Baby Box in Missouri debuted last August at Mehlville Fire Protection District House 2 in south St. Louis County.

St. Dominic High to offer trades program

St. Dominic High School in O’Fallon has announced it will launch an on-campus Building Trades Program at the start of the 2025-26 school year. The program will include hands-on construction trades coursework in four core areas: carpentry, electrical, plumbing/pipefitting and HVAC. The new curriculum will be offered to juniors and seniors and was designed in response to surveys over the past two years that showed nearly one in five students said they would be interested in trades program courses at St. Dominic.

To accommodate the new program, the school has acquired a 28,000-square foot warehouse that neighbors the existing campus. The property was purchased through a $2.4 million donation from an anonymous benefactor, the single largest gift in the school’s history. Renovations to develop two classrooms and four lab areas in the existing space have started and are expected to be completed this summer.

“By offering this exploratory curriculum, we aim to help our students make informed career choices, emphasizing the importance of skill development and problem-solving,” St. Dominic principal Stacy Stewart said in a statement. “Through this program, we seek to inspire both our male and female students to consider pursuing further education or apprenticeships in construction-related fields, while also nurturing an appreciation for the built environment in which we all live and work.”

World Day of Prayer for Consecrated Life

The World Day of Prayer for Consecrated Life will be celebrated with a Mass at 10 a.m. Sunday, Feb. 2, at the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Louis. All are invited, especially all consecrated religious. Visitors may receive a plenary indulgence under its conditions in the Jubilee Year 2025 by praying in the cathedral basilica. The archdiocesan Office of Consecrated Life reminds the faithful to pray for all those who have made commitments to the consecrated life. To learn more about the World Day for Consecrated Life, visit

Holy Hour for vocations

There will be a Holy Hour for priestly and religious vocations at 7 p.m. Friday, Feb. 7, at the Monastery of St. Clare, 200 Marycrest Drive in Oakville. The monastery is located off the 6000 block of Telegraph Road. The monastery is one of nine Jubilee Year 2025 pilgrimage sites. Visitors may obtain a plenary indulgence by following the usual conditions for an indulgence.

Day of reflection on social teaching, evangelization

A day of reflection, “Abound in Love and Live in Hope,” on Catholic social teaching and evangelization will take place Saturday, Feb. 15, at the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet Motherhouse, 6400 Minnesota Ave. in St. Louis. The day will be hosted by the social outreach coordinators of the archdiocese and begin with opening remarks by Archbishop Mitchell T. Rozanski, followed by a series of reflections on the themes of Catholic social teaching and evangelization led by Catholic leaders in the field. Lunch will be served, and the day will end with a prayer service. The event is free to attend, but registration is required: