Archdiocesan news

Archdiocesan news briefs

Knights’ car show benefits seminarians

The Knights of Columbus Our Lady of Fatima Council #4429 held its third annual classic car show on Oct. 7, raising $1,500 to provide financial aid to seminarians. The council, based at St. Ferdinand Parish in Florissant, has held other fundraisers throughout the year to benefit special causes, including the Handi-Capable Easter Egg Hunt for individuals with special needs. Last year, the car show brought in $1,000 to benefit the Knights’ Aid and Support After Pregnancy (ASAP) program, which supports pregnancy resources centers and maternity homes across the United States.

SVDP online thrifting

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul’s Archdiocesan Council in St. Louis launched a new e-commerce venture on eBay, with proceeds supporting neighbors in need. The site debuted Oct. 23 at and features clothing, shoes and purses, eventually expanding to other items, including collectibles, housewares and home decor. St. Vincent de Paul continues to operate nine thrift stores in the area, including a thrift outlet in Cool Valley near the campus of the University of Missouri-St. Louis. To find a location or learn more about the thrift stores, visit

National Black Catholic History Month

The archdiocesan Office of Racial Harmony will host a celebration of Black Catholic History Month from 1-5 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 12, at the Pallottine Retreat and Conference Center in Florissant. The family-friendly event (children 8 and older) will include discussions on spirituality and the saints, Black saints in the life of the Church, leadership in the Church and social justice issues. Guest speaker will be Cheryl Archibald, parish life coordinator at St. Vincent de Paul and St. Pius V parishes in St. Louis. There also will be a panel presentation from the archdiocesan implementation team with the National Black Catholic Congress. A light dinner with fellowship will follow from 5-6 p.m. To RSVP for the event, visit