Archdiocesan news

Archdiocesan news briefs

Archdiocesan news briefs

New executive director

Deacon Tyler McClay was appointed as the new executive director of the Missouri Catholic Conference (MCC) following the retirement of Mike Hoey. Deacon McClay, who joined the MCC in January 2010 as general counsel, is an attorney and a registered lobbyist. He will continue to serve as the MCC’s general counsel, advising Missouri’s bishops on legal matters pertaining to public policy and representing the MCC before government agencies. Hoey served the Missouri Catholic Conference for nearly 40 years, standing up for the the poor, the sick, the unborn, immigrants and refugees by embracing Catholic teaching to advocate for the common good.

Changes in special education

The board of St. Mary’s Special Services, in consultation with the archdiocesan Office of Catholic Education and Formation, has approved changes in the delivery of Catholic special education and preschool classes in south St. Louis County. St. Mary’s will transition from a site-based operation to a service-provider model in Catholic preschools and elementary schools throughout south St. Louis County. As a result, the St. Mary’s Preschool-South facility will close Aug. 31. The plan for the 2018-19 school year is to provide personnel support for an inclusionary education site in several Catholic preschools and elementary schools in the south St. Louis County area. This support could include direct services to students and/or consultative support to teachers, administration and families. In addition, attention could be given to help children and parents transition into the early elementary grades. Considerations for identifying these sites include the ability to serve the most students in need, existing students with special needs in Catholic schools, and availability of space within a school to accommodate services.

New medical director

Delmar Gardens North Skilled Nursing and Rehabilitation Center recently announced the appointment of its new medical director, Dr. Mary Schmidt, a member of St. Norbert Parish in Florissant. A graduate of the University of Missouri-Columbia Medical School, Schmidt interned at Mercy Hospital St. Louis in Creve Coeur and completed her residency at Mercy in internal medicine. Delmar Gardens North is located at 4401 Parker Road in Florissant. A native of north St. Louis County, Schmidt has been a member of over 20 Leadership Committees within Christian Northeast/Northwest Hospital system. She has numerous volunteer recognitions from Incarnate Word Academy, St. Norbert Parish and the Knights of Columbus.

Upcoming events

Faith, community leadership

The final information session for the Contemplative Leaders in Action (CLA) program at Saint Louis University will be at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, June 14, at Boileau Hall on SLU’s campus. The two-year program, which meets once per month September through June, is for young adult professionals in their 20s and 30s committed to becoming leaders in their fields and finding God in all things. They’ll learn Ignatian spirituality and leadership skills and join like-minded peers who previously participated in CLA. The program costs $525 per year, with scholarships available. (The info session is free.) For more information, contact Tom Auffenberg at

Retreat for young adults

The White House Retreat Center in Oakville will host the AMDG Young Adult Retreat from July 6-8. The two-night co-ed retreat will include six talks, silent prayer and spiritual direction. The weekend is designed for those aged 21-35. Price was recently reduced to $75 per participant due to a donation to the retreat center. To register, call (314) 416-6400, Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m-4:30 p.m.

Sports summit

“Building Communities of Faith Through Sports” is the theme of a retreat-style CYC Sports Summit Saturday, July 28, at the Cardinal Rigali Center, 20 Archbishop May Drive in Shrewsbury. Parents, coaches, parish volunteers, and priests are encouraged to attend. Speakers include: Bruce Scifres, executive director of the Catholic Youth Organization of the Archdiocese of Indianapolis and a former high school coach; Julie Goessling Matheny, varsity basketball coach at St. Joseph Academy and a former CYC coach; Mark Probst, executive secretary of the St. Louis Suburban Public High School Conference, a CYC coach and former CYC district baseball/softball director, high school basketball/baseball official and athletic director; and Bill Bommarito, president of Coaching Coaches. For more information or to register, visit or contact Jon Givens at

Papa Palooza

As lead-up to the World Meeting of Families in Ireland in August, the archdiocese will host the Papa Palooza at Kenrick-Glennon Seminary on Saturday, July 28, from 2 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. The event will include family games, Mass celebrated by Bishop Mark S. Rivituso, dinner, and an outdoor concert. Adult registration (17 and over) is $12.50, children’s (ages 3-16) tickets cost $5 and entrance is free for ages 0-2. Register online by July 25 at

Free concert

Composer and pianist Eric Genuis will perform at a free concert from 3-5 p.m. Saturday, July 28, in the Church of Our Lady of the Snows, 442 S. DeMazenod Drive in Belleville, Ill. The Canadian native’s performance consists of stories, humor and audience interaction.