Archdiocesan news

Archdiocesan news briefs

Catholic Schools Week service

Third- through fifth-graders at All Saints School in St. Peters delivered goody bags to residents of a residential senior village near the school and to first responders at a local firehouse. The bags included snacks, a prayer card and a handmade card created by kindergarten and first-grade students. The service project was part of their Catholic Schools Week activities.

Safe haven for homeless people

With dangerously cold weather recently in St. Louis, St. Patrick Center collaborated with other service providers and the City of St. Louis to open a safe haven in Downtown St. Louis for people experiencing homelessness in life-threatening conditions. The safe haven is one part of a three-fold strategy that includes temporary hotel rooms and increased shelter beds. The safe haven is on the first floor of St. Patrick Center in the space formerly occupied by McMurphy’s Café. It was slated to operate 24 hours a day from Feb. 8-14. The safe haven offered inside seating and cots for resting. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the daytime capacity was to be 32 guests and staff. Overnight capacity was 24. St. Patrick Center is a federated agency of Catholic Charities of St. Louis.

Prayer service for justice

A World Day of Social Justice prayer service will be held at 10 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 20, at Holy Name of Jesus Church 10235 Ashbrook Drive, in north St. Louis County. The United Nations’ World Day of Social Justice is observed annually to encourage people to look at how social justice affects poverty eradication. It also focuses on the goal of achieving full employment and support for social integration. Social justice is seen as an underlying principle for peaceful and prosperous coexistence within and among nations.

Explore religious life

In recognition of the year of St. Joseph, the Sisters of St. Joseph throughout the United States are hosting a monthly online discussion, “Exploring the Call to Religious Life,” highlighting different aspects of religious life. Gatherings will take place from 2-4 p.m. Central time on Feb. 20 (“Exploring the Tapestry of Religious Congregations”); March 27 (“Living from a Discerning Heart”); April 24 (“Styles of Prayer”); May 15 (“Community Living and Ministry”); and June 19 (“Understanding the Vows of Poverty, Chastity and Obedience”). For more information or to register, visit

Living Rosary

Our Lady of Guadalupe for Life will host a Living Rosary for Life at 2:30 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 21, at Assumption Church, 4725 Mattis Road in south St. Louis County. The group will pray the Rosary and honor St. Teresa of Calcutta. Several members of the Missionaries of Charity plan to attend, and a first-class relic will be available for veneration. Our Lady of Guadalupe for Life is a nonprofit group that sponsors pro-life billboards along St. Louis area highways.

Criminal justice

St. Anselm Parish will host a Zoom presentation on the Criminal Justice Ministry at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 23. The presentation will cover the history and work of the Criminal Justice Ministry, an overview of the criminal justice system, statistics on incarceration,reentry and recidivism, opportunities to get involved and volunteer. For information on joining the meeting or to inquire about a recording of it, contact:

Talk on St. Benedict

St. Austin School will host a virtual speaker program on St. Benedict as a Model for Catholic Education at 7 pm. Thursday, Feb. 25. Guest speaker is Jared Staudt, associate superintendent for mission and formation of the Archdiocese of Denver and visiting professor for the Augustine Institute. He is the author of “Restoring Humanity: Essays on the Evangelization of Culture” (Divine Providence Press) and is a Benedictine oblate at Clear Creek Abbey. Reply at or email for more information on the Zoom meeting.

Black Catholic History

In celebration of Black History Month, the Catholic Racial Justice Collaborative is sponsoring a presentation and interactive panel discussion on Black Catholic History: Vision, Voice and Vigilance. This free webinar from 3-4:30 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 28, will explore Black Catholic leaders whose vision, voice and vigilance still speak to us today. Register at