
Holy Hour for vocations

DEAR FATHER | Following God’s will is what leads to our greatest joy

‘Called to be saints’

Encouragement, eucharistic adoration key to fostering priest vocations

DEAR FATHER | The Church and fellow believers can help people in their discernment

Support for seminarians, fuel for evangelization

Vincentians open new Mission House as part of effort to reinvigorate vocations, formation

DEAR FATHER | To increase vocations, foster discipleship among young people

Bishop Robert Hermann cites Jesus’ eucharistic presence as inspiration for his priestly vocation

Focus 11 virtual event during Catholic Schools Week brings vocations into focus for middle-school students

Cloistered Passionist Nuns of Ellisville spread God’s love, vocations awareness through Instagram

Discerning a vocation means listening to God and following His will, say priest and religious sister

Homegrown vocations in the archdiocese

Daughters of St. Paul vocation stories are highlighted in new book, “Millennial Nuns”

Pink Sisters celebrating jubilarian anniversaries share the joys of their vocational calling

Sacred artist sees her vocation as leading us to God

Kenrick-Glennon Days encourages fun, faith and fellowship, shining light on the possibility of a priestly vocation

Vocations chalice one way St. Clement of Rome School prays for vocations

Religious communities celebrate spring ordinations, profession of vows

Twitter hashtag campaign, #lifeasapriest, shows priests to be regular guys

Holy Cross students get a glimpse of religious life

Midshipman answers the call at Kenrick-Glennon

Meet the Transitional Deacons