Virtual, in-person events scheduled for 48th annual March for Life
Annual event marking Roe vs. Wade decision still scheduled for Jan. 29
The annual March for Life marking the Jan. 22 anniversary of the 1973 Roe vs. Wade decision will go on as planned next month, but several St. Louis area groups have altered plans in light of the pandemic.
The annual Generation Life pilgrimage, sponsored by the archdiocesan Office of Youth Ministry and which typically sends several thousands of teens to Washington, D.C., will take place as a virtual event over two days, livestreamed from the Cardinal Rigali Center. A late registration option is still available for individuals, families or groups to register. Participant spots are $25, which includes access to the Zoom link for programming on the evening of Wednesday, Jan. 27, and Saturday, Jan. 30. Register online at For more information, email Follow Generation Life on social media, including Instagram @genlifestl, Facebook at GenLifeSTL and blog,
The 48th annual March for Life is still scheduled to take place Jan. 29 in Washington, D.C. The event will be livestreamed at For information on the schedule, see
• Applications are still being accepted for the annual Missouri Life Caravan to Washington, D.C. Buses will leave from various sites in the St. Louis metro area the morning of Jan. 28. The group will travel overnight and arrive in the nation’s capital the morning of Jan. 29. The group will leave after the march and travel overnight, arriving back in St. Louis on Jan. 30. Buses are limited to 41 passengers due to COVID-19 restrictions. Cost of the trip is $230 per person. Deadline to register is Dec. 28. For more information, call Missouri Right to Life at (314) 434-4900 or visit
Other groups from St. Louis planning trips to Washington, D.C., include St. Louis Pro-Life Future and the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.
• Archbishop Mitchell Rozanski will celebrate the annual Roe vs. Wade Memorial Mass at 10 a.m. Saturday, Jan. 16, at the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Louis. The Mass, organized by the archdiocesan Respect Life Apostolate, will prayerfully remember the Roe vs. Wade and Doe vs. Bolton decisions, and pray for a renewed commitment to building a culture of life.
A collection will be taken up for LifeLine Coalition, a network of local pro-life and social services organizations that help more than 10,000 women annually. The Mass is preceded by a rose procession, which remembers those who have been lost to abortion since 1973. After Mass, there will be a Rosary, followed by Benediction. The Mass will be livestreamed at
• A Young Adult Pro-Life Holy Hour will take place on Thursday, Jan. 28, at the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Louis. Open to young adults, the event begins at 7 p.m. with a talk by Brian Westbrook of Coalition for Life St. Louis, followed by adoration, Rosary and sacrament of reconciliation. The event is organized by the Respect Life Apostolate and Office of Young Adult Ministry.
• Teens and their youth leaders are invited participate in the “Love Into Action” Service Project, co-sponsored by the Respect Life Apostolate and Office of Youth Ministry. As part of the 2021 Generation Life, January 27-30, archdiocesan teens are encouraged to help pregnant and parenting mothers as a way to live out their pro-life values. To learn more, see
• The Nine Days for Life Novena is organized by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Join Catholics nationwide from Jan. 21-29 in praying for life. Sign up online at
The annual March for Life marking the Jan. 22 anniversary of the 1973 Roe vs. Wade decision will go on as planned next month, but several St. Louis area groups … Virtual, in-person events scheduled for 48th annual March for Life
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