Obituary | Sr. Marie Bertrand Wright, OP
A funeral Mass for Sister Marie Bertrand Wright was celebrated July 11 at the Dominican motherhouse in Sinsinawa, Wis. Sister Marie Bertrand died July 5 at St. Dominic Villa in Sinsinawa. She was 94 and had been a Sinsinawa Dominican for 69 years.
Born in St. Louis, Sister Marie Bertrand made first religious profession in 1947 and final profession in 1950. She taught high school science for 41 years, served as principal for six years and was a pastoral minister for 20 years. Sister Marie Bertrand served in South Dakota, Alabama, Iowa, Illinois, Wisconsin and Alaska.
Sister Marie Bertrand is survived by a sister, Grace Mayer, and twin brother, Joseph Wright.
A funeral Mass for Sister Marie Bertrand Wright was celebrated July 11 at the Dominican motherhouse in Sinsinawa, Wis. Sister Marie Bertrand died July 5 at St. Dominic Villa in … Obituary | Sr. Marie Bertrand Wright, OP
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