Obituary | Sr. Marcy Romine, OSF
A funeral Mass was celebrated for Sister Marcy Romine, OSF, Feb. 20 at St. Justin Martyr Church in Sunset Hills. Sister Marcy, 67, died Feb. 14 at her apartment in New Orleans. She was a member of the Franciscan Sisters of Our Lady of Perpetual Help for 47 years.
Born in St. Louis, she entered the Franciscan Sisters of Our Lady of Perpetual Help in 1968 and professed perpetual vows in 1974. She received a bachelor’s degree from the University of Missouri-St. Louis and an master’s degree from Loyola University in New Orleans.
Sister Marcy taught at St. Adalbert, Our Lady of Guadalupe, St. Francis of Assisi and St. Casimir Schools in the Archdiocese of St. Louis. She also taught at Little Flower Academy in Monroe, La., and Holy Trinity School in Bucyrus, Ohio. Following teaching, she became the director of volunteers for Project Lazarus in New Orleans and then responded to a call from her community to serve as vocation minister in St. Louis. She also ministered as the director of special projects at the NO/AIDS Task Force in New Orleans.
Sister Marcy is survived by three brothers, Mario, Bill and Ralph Romine; and a sister, Barb Green.
A funeral Mass was celebrated for Sister Marcy Romine, OSF, Feb. 20 at St. Justin Martyr Church in Sunset Hills. Sister Marcy, 67, died Feb. 14 at her apartment in … Obituary | Sr. Marcy Romine, OSF
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