
Obituary | Sr. Gale Bednarek, OSF

Sr. Bednarek

Franciscan Sister of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Sister Gale Bednarek died Oct. 27 at age 78. Sister Gale served as a teacher, director of religious education, faith formation minister and receptionist.

Born in Chicago Heights, Illinois, Sister Gale entered the Franciscan Sisters of Our Lady of Perpetual Help in 1961 and made final vows in 1967.

In the Archdiocese of St. Louis, Sister Gale taught at St. Casimir School. She also ministered in California, New Mexico, Kansas, Ohio, Nebraska, Illinois, Texas and West Virginia.

Sister Gale loved her community and sincerely lived her life in keeping with Franciscan values. She loved her family as well, writing “My family plays a very important part in my life. I shall always be indebted to my parents not only for material things but also for all the help and encouragement they have given me.”

Steeped in theological studies, Sister Gale was known as the resident Scripture scholar. Her greatest delight was in helping others discover their faith.

Survivors include three brothers, Eugene, Theodore and Lucian. Burial was in Resurrection Cemetery.