
Obituary | Sr. Dory Obermann, CPPS

Sr. Obermann

A funeral Mass for Sister Dory Obermann was celebrated Aug. 6 in St. Joseph Chapel in O’Fallon. Sister Dory died July 25 at age 71.

She met the Sisters of the Most Precious Blood at her parish, Immaculate Conception in Jackson, Missouri. She entered their novitiate in 1982 and professed first vows in 1983. She completed a bachelor’s degree in business administration at Maryville University in 1989.

In St. Louis, Sister Dory served as a secretary at St. Joseph School for the Deaf and as an accountant at Villa St. Joseph Motherhouse. In Pennsylvania, she served as the administrator of Precious Blood Spiritual Center in Columbia and as the program coordinator and acting director of St. Mary’s Residential Home in Philadelphia. She served as receptionist and administrative assistant at The Catholic High School of Baltimore. She was administrator and personnel director for the motherhouse and served as the community’s secretary general.

She loved to organize parties and gatherings, exuding welcome and hospitality. Members of the Sisters of Most Precious Blood community said her love for God and others showed in her smile and in her actions.

Burial was in the convent cemetery.