Obituary | Sister Janet Capone, OP
Obituary | Sister Janet Capone, OP
The funeral Mass for Sister Janet (Mary Leonard) Capone, OP, was celebrated Aug. 6 in St. Catherine Chapel at the Dominican
Life Center in Adrian, Mich. Sister Capone died July 29 at the Lourdes Senior Community in Waterford, Mich. She was 80 years old and in the 61st year of her religious profession in the Adrian Dominican Congregation.
Born in New York City, she graduated from Rosarian Academy in West Palm Beach, Fla., earned a bachelor’s degree in French from Barry College in Miami and earned a master’s in guidance/counseling from Siena Heights College in Adrian.
In the Archdiocese of St. Louis, Sister Capone ministered from 1983 to 1996 as the director of Emmaus Community, an inter-congregational center established to assist in the personal growth and development of women religious. She also taught elementary and high school in Florida and college in New York, and ministered as a counselor and a hospital administrator in California. She served the Adrian Dominican Congregation as administrator of the Dominican Life Center and Prioress of the Congregation.
Sister is survived by a sister, Carole Frechette of Weston, Mass.
The funeral Mass for Sister Janet (Mary Leonard) Capone, OP, was celebrated Aug. 6 in St. Catherine Chapel at the Dominican Life Center in Adrian, Mich. Sister Capone died July … Obituary | Sister Janet Capone, OP
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