
Obituary | Sister Anne Dorothy Schober, OSU

A funeral Mass was celebrated for Sister Anne Dorothy Schober, OSU, Aug. 17 at St. Cyril of Jerusalem Church in Encino, Calif. Sister Anne Dorothy died Aug. 14 at Los Roblas Hospital in Thousand Oaks, Calif.

Born in 1945 in Jamaica, N.Y., she entered the Ursuline Sisters in Crystal City in 1964 and professed first vows in 1967. She earned a bachelor’s degree in history from Marillac College in St. Louis and a master’s degree in theology from St. Mary’s University in San Antonio.

As a member of the Ursulines’ Central Province, Sister Anne Dorothy taught at parish schools in Missouri, Illinois and Louisiana. From 1976-77, she taught at Sacred Heart School in Festus and served on the novitiate team at the Ursuline Novitiate in Crystal City. She also taught at Corpus Christi Grade School in Jennings from 1977-79.

In Illinois, she taught at St. Aloysius School in Springfield from 1970-76 and was the school’s religious education coordinator from 1982-86. She taught at Sts. Peter and Paul School in Collinsville from 1979-80 and at St. Ambrose School in Godfrey from 1986-91. She also taught at St. Angela Merici School in Metairie, La., from 1980-82.

In the 1990s, Sister Anne Dorothy transferred to the Ursulines’ Western Province, where she taught at Our Lady of Grace School in Encino from 1992-2015. Following a year of retirement, she returned to the classroom in 2016, serving as the religious education coordinator at St. Cyril of Jerusalem School in Encino.

In July, she returned to St. Louis to celebrate her 50th anniversary of religious life with her Ursuline Sisters here. Sister Anne Dorothy is survived by a sister, Noreen.