
OBITUARY | Sister Agatha Marie Groft, ASC

Sr. Groft

Sister Agatha Marie Groft, ASC, died Dec. 7 at St. Anne’s Retirement Community in Columbia, Pennsylvania. She was 88 years old and had been a professed member of the Adorers of the Blood of Christ for 68 years.

Sister Agatha Marie was the youngest of nine children and grew up in Adams County, Pennsylvania. She came to know the Adorers through summer retreats.

Sister Agatha Marie earned a bachelor’s degree in history from Carlow College in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and a master’s in religious studies/sacred Scriptures from St. Charles Seminary in Overbrook, Pennsylvania. She also took classes in clinical pastoral education to help her in her role as coordinator of sisters at St. Anne’s Home in Columbia, Pennsylvania.

She taught elementary school for 30 years and was principal for 11 years. She served at St. Mary School in Steelton, Pennsylvania; St. Joseph in St. Louis; St. Jerome, Assumption and St. Theodore in Chicago; St. Raphael in Greenville, North Carolina; Immaculate Conception in East Chicago, Indiana; St. Teresa in Albany, Georgia; and Precious Blood School in Rochester, New York.

She served as director of novices and postulants and was the last leader of the former Columbia Province before three provinces converged into one region.

She served on the first U.S. region novitiate community in Belleville, Illinois, mentored associates in the Adorers’ spirituality, and assisted the Columbia archivist. She also served on the Sisters’ Council and the Immaculate Conception parish council in East Chicago, Indiana.

Burial was in the Columbia Center convent cemetery. A memorial Mass will be celebrated later.