Archdiocesan news

Jubilarians | Religious Sisters of Mercy of Alma

25th First Profession

Sister Maria Howell

Birth name: Mary Katherine Howell

Birthplace: Minneapolis, Minnesota

Entrance: 1993

First profession: June 1995 in Mainz, Germany

Final profession: Oct. 21, 2000

Education: Bachelor’s in social work from University of Portland in Portland, Oregon, 1997

Master’s in social work from Portland State University in Portland, Oregon, 2000

Service in the archdiocese: Events planner and domestic service for the Archdiocese of St. Louis at the Archbishop’s Residence, 2017-present

Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion and lector, Cathedral Basilica of Saint Louis, 2017-present

Service outside the archdiocese: Child Protection and Family Services in Montreal, 2000-04

Service in the homes of cardinals and member of the staff at the United States Bishops’ Office for Visitors to Rome in Rome, Italy, 2004-10

Chaplain at St. Francis Hospital in Tulsa, Oklahoma, 2010-12, 2017

Renovated small retreat house while teaching sacramental preparation classes, Shaw Island, Washington, 2012-16

About Sister Maria Howell: Sister Maria is the third of four children born to Tyler and Juanita Howell. The Howells resided in the parish of The Church of the Holy Name in South Minneapolis where all attended grade school. The three girls attended Regina High School and her brother attended De La Salle High School. All are college graduates. Before entering religious life Sister Maria worked for the airline industry for 12 years. Sister Maria obtained her degrees after entering religious life with the Religious Sisters of Alma Michigan.
