Archdiocesan news

Jubilarians | Franciscan Friars of the Sacred Heart Province (OFM)

50th Profession

Brother James Lammers, OFM

Birth name: James Lammers

Birthplace: Hermann, Missouri

Entrance: Aug. 30, 1970

First profession: Aug. 15, 1971

Final profession: Sept. 27, 1975

Service in the archdiocese: Health care since 2008

Service outside the archdiocese: Apprentice carpenter, household maintenance, engineer. Working to become fully vested for Carpenters’ Union.

60th First Profession

Brother Pauli Johnson, OFM

Birth name: Michael Johnson

Birthplace: Columbus, Nebraska

Entrance: July 4, 1955

First profession: July 5, 1956

Final profession: July 5, 1959

Service in the archdiocese: Cook, fraternal service

Service outside the archdiocese: Cook, parochial ministry and youth minister


70th First Profession

Father Kenneth Rosswog, OFM

Birthplace: Quincy, Illinois

Entrance: July 4, 1950

First profession: July 5, 1951

Final profession: July 5, 1954

Ordination: June 24, 1957

Education: DePaul University

Service in the archdiocese: Associate pastor

Secretary of the Province

Parochial vicar

Service outside the archdiocese: Chaplain of the American Embassy in Bonn, Germany

Franciscan Vocation Center

Associate pastor

Parochial vicar

Senior parochial vicar

