Archdiocesan news

Archdiocesan news briefs

Cardinal Ritter Prep suspends football program for the season

Cardinal Ritter College Preparatory High School is suspending its football program for the remainder of the school year, and all of its coaches are released from the program and school. The announcement came from Tamiko Armstead, president of Cardinal Ritter Prep.

The move came after the school, working closely with the Archdiocese of St. Louis, investigated an allegation involving one of its scholar-athletes who played in the team’s first regular-season football game, for which he was ineligible. He had been suspended after being ejected in the state championship game last season. The game included 32 penalties for 296 yards, and tempers flared during the game.

Armstead said she immediately reported the incident to the Missouri State High School Activities Association (MSHSAA), and began a further collaborative investigation with the MSHAA. Cardinal Ritter’s athletic director, Preston Thomas, has decided to retire.

“While this is a very difficult time for Cardinal Ritter, it is important to us to honor the school’s mission of Faith Development, Academics and Leadership — and the responsibility it has to its students, its community and our Catholic faith to live out that mission — in all that we do,” Armstead wrote. The investigation is still ongoing, the school president said, adding that “we persevere in upholding our mission — and in prayer for all of those involved.” Cardinal Ritter had a record of 7-0 this season and finished second in the Class 3 playoffs last season.

Presidential honors for St. Joseph’s Academy teacher

St. Joseph’s Academy faculty member Katherine “Katie” Lodes recently received the Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST), facilitated by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. PAEMST was established by Congress in 1983 and is the highest honor bestowed by the United States Government on elementary and secondary school teachers of mathematics and science. Recipients have both deep content knowledge of the subjects they teach and the ability to motivate and enable students to be successful.

Lodes is one of four mathematics and science teachers from Missouri to receive the award this year and the only high school educator representing Missouri. She received the award Oct. 17 at a ceremony in Washington, D.C. She has been an educator for 29 years, serving at St. Joseph’s Academy since 2002.

Missionary Childhood Association artwork contest winners

Reagan Hinkle and Camille Raymo, students at St. Joseph School in Cottleville, were chosen among 24 national winners in the Missionary Childhood Association Christmas Artwork Contest. The contest is open to children in grades kindergarten through eight from across the country. The association invites children to help spread the Good News of Jesus while gathering prayers and financial support for children in mission countries. The two winners were announced at a Mass Oct. 20 at Holy Infant Parish in Ballwin in recognition of World Mission Sunday.

The winning artwork, submitted last school year, was among several thousand entries. The students have been invited to Washington, D.C., in December to join the other honorees from across the country. Their artwork will be displayed at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C. Hinkle’s and Raymo’s artwork have been made into Christmas cards, which will be sold at Catholic Supply of St. Louis. Proceeds benefit the Missionary Childhood Association, a papal missionary organization for children of grade-school age to encourage them to be aware of the needs of children living in mission dioceses through the world.

Hispanic ministry leader

F. Javier Orozco, executive director of human dignity and cultural affairs for the Archdiocese of St. Louis, was selected as the new president of the National Catholic Association of Diocesan Directors for Hispanic Ministry. He was chosen along with a new board of directors at its annual conference, which took place in Minneapolis earlier this month. Lia Salinas, director of the Hispanic ministry office of the Archdiocese of Baltimore, was elected as vice-president. The National Catholic Association of Diocesan Directors for Hispanic Ministry, in communion with the bishops of the United States, supports, provides resources and assists in the on-going professional development of Hispanic Ministry diocesan staff in order to facilitate full participation of Hispanics in the mission of the Church and society.


Relics on display for All Saints

The Cathedral Basilica of Saint Louis will have more than 140 saints’ relics on display on Friday, Nov. 1, the feast of All Saints. Relics will be on display from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. in the All Saints Chapel, and docents will be available. In addition, the Saint John’s Bible will be on display, with a docent present from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Masses, including the Litany of Saints, will be celebrated Nov. 1 at 7, 8 and 10 a.m. and 12:05 and 5:30 p.m. The feast of All Saints is a Holy Day of Obligation.

Italian Mass at Old Cathedral

The Italian Community of St. Louis will host an Italian Mass at 2 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 3, at the Basilica of Saint Louis, King of France (Old Cathedral), 209 Walnut St. Downtown. Father Mirco Sosio, an Italian priest in residence at Kenrick-Glennon Seminary, will be the main celebrant and homilist. After Mass, a verified relic of Padre Pio will be on display for veneration. The Mass also honors Bishop Guiseppe (Joseph) Rosati, the first bishop of St. Louis, who came from Italy and served as a missionary to St. Louis’ first inhabitants. Bishop Rosati oversaw the building of the Old Cathedral in 1834 and is buried in the cathedral’s crypt. The Old Cathedral museum also will be open after Mass.

Young Adult Mass

The archdiocesan Office of Young Adult Ministry will hold its first Young Adult Mass at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 5, at the Basilica of St. Louis, King of France (Old Cathedral), 209 Walnut St. Downtown. Father Jason Schumer will be the main celebrant. A social in Ballpark Village will follow, and leaders from various young adult groups will be present to share information on their apostolates.

Adoption Mass

The annual Adoption Mass will be celebrated at 10 a.m. Sunday, Nov. 17, at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Louis. Msgr. Dennis Stehly, vicar general, will be the main celebrant. The annual Mass, sponsored by the archdiocesan Respect Life Apostolate, Good Shepherd Children & Family Services and Office of Natural Family Planning, is a celebration of all whose lives have been affected by adoption, whether directly or indirectly. A special invitation is extended to parents who have made an adoption plan for their child and families who have adopted or who are in the process of adoption. Adoptive individuals and families are invited to sit in reserved seating in the front and middle pews and to attend a reception in Boland Hall following Mass. For more information, contact the Respect Life Apostolate at or (314) 792-7555.

Vitae Foundation event

Candace Owens will offer insights about the abortion industry and how it targets African Americans during Vitae Foundation’s St. Charles Pro-Life Event on Thursday, Nov. 7, at the St. Charles Convention Center, 1 Convention Center Plaza, in St. Charles. Dinner and program begin at 7 p.m. In 2017, Owens launched a vlog series on YouTube, promoting conservatism to a black American audience. She hosts “The Candace Owens Show” on PragerU, and she has spoken at more than 50 universities and made more than 250 Fox News appearances the last year alone. The event raises funds to promote a culture of life and to help educate women facing unplanned pregnancies about local resources to assist them in making an informed decision. Reservations will be accepted at or by calling (573) 634-4316. The registration fee is $50 per person. Seating is limited.

End-of-life issues

The Roman Catholic Foundation, in partnership with Catholic Charities of St. Louis, will present, The Conversation: A Catholic Perspective on End-of-Life Issues,” from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 16, at Incarnate Word Church in Chesterfield, 13416 Olive Blvd. The free seminar will include presentations on Catholic bioethics, Catholic funeral and cemetery planning, advance directives and estate planning and charitable gift planning. To register, visit or call (314) 918-2892.

Discern with the Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity

The Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity will lead a discernment retreat day for young adult Catholic women on Saturday, Nov. 30, at the sisters’ convent in St. Louis. Sister Jacqueline Spaniola will guide retreatants through St. Ignatius of Loyola’s “Discernment of Spirits.” The free retreat begins at 8:30 a.m., includes lunch and will end at 4 p.m. Rereatants are invited to join the sisters for Mass at 5 p.m. at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Louis. The Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity have since 2017 lived at Our Lady of Guadalupe convent, located across the street from Planned Parenthood in St. Louis. The convent serves as a place of prayer and hospitality for those who pray on the sidewalk outside the abortion facility. For more information, call Sister Sue Ann Hall at (314) 614-4337 or visit