Archdiocesan news briefs
Camp Cole closes
After a successful three months of operation, St. Patrick Center closed Camp Cole, the first intentional encampment community in St. Louis for those on a path to permanent housing. On Aug. 2, St. Patrick Center opened the temporary community to provide improved safety and health conditions for individuals living at Interco Plaza. The new intentional encampment, referred to as Camp Cole, was the first of its kind in the City of St. Louis and exclusively supported by private donations. During its 90 days of operations, St. Patrick Center accomplished significant milestones, helping Camp Cole residents obtain employment, permanent housing, and mental health services. Of the 15 remaining Camp Cole residents, all are awaiting housing placement. Unfortunately, St. Patrick Center is out of time and funding. The lease is expiring and all funds have been exhausted.” said St. Patrick Center CEO Anthony D’Agostino. “While we celebrate the successes at Camp Cole and the generosity of individual donors, the StarWood Group and the Archdiocese of St. Louis, we have 15 fellow St. Louisans on the verge of returning to homelessness. We are hopeful that our community, including the city, will help these individuals until housing is available. Camp Cole provides a road map on how to treat our most vulnerable neighbors with dignity and how to end homelessness. It is a road map that the City of St. Louis cannot afford to ignore.”
Talented student
Emary Khazen, a student at Christ Prince of Peace School in Manchester, is among nine semifinalists and three in the sixth-eighth-grader category who have been selected in the “I Voted” sticker contest hosted by the St. Louis County Board of Elections in partnership with the St. Louis County Library. The semifinalists will move on to the final round of voting that was to open to the public on Friday, Nov. 5. Artistic skill and technique excellence, meaningful and consistent theme and uniqueness of the design were the criteria used to judge all 224 entries that were received from 34 schools and communities across St. Louis County. On Nov. 5, voting opened to the public to choose the winning design in each category. Votes may be cast at, and the three finalists will be announced on Nov. 15.
Church history explored
A new episode of MCC from the Capitol highlights the history of the Church in Missouri. Catholics and the Catholic Church have been present in the Midwest since before Missouri was officially recognized as a state. Priests and religious came to the New World as missionaries to bring the faith to native peoples and to establish schools and parishes for Catholic settlers. Msgr. Robert Kurwicki of the Diocese of Jefferson City, who currently serves as chaplain to the Missouri House of Representatives in Jefferson City, joins the podcast to discuss the rich and interesting history of the Catholic Church in Missouri. Listen to the episode, part of the Missouri Catholic Conference Virtual Assembly, at
Items sought
The Veterans Administration in St. Louis is seeking to start a program in spring 2022 to help veterans with finger or dexterity problems. They will need Popsicle sticks or tongue depressors. In the program, veterans will make items for personal use, or auction/sell their items to help the program. For information, visit or email Items may be mailed to: St. Louis Tribute to the Troops, c/o 7922 Croydon, St. Louis MO 63125.
‘Do You Believe?’
A webinar, “Do You Believe? The Theology and Science of the Eucharist” will be presented by the Institute for Theological Encounter with Science and Technology (ITEST) from 9 to 11 a.m. Saturday, Nov. 20. Stacy Trasancos will present “The Data from the Eucharistic Miracles” and Msgr. Eugene Morris will present “At the Church’s Foundation: the Lord’s Real Presence.” The webinar fee is $10, or free of charge for ITEST members, clergy, seminarians and consecrated religious. Register at For information, contact Sheila Roth at
Search Retreat reunion
Anyone who made a Search Retreat in the 1970s and ’80s is invited to a reunion Sunday, Nov. 14 at St. Simon the Apostle Church, 11011 Mueller Road in Green Park. A Mass at 1:30 p.m. will be followed by a reception until 4 p.m. Anyone planning to attend is asked to email Father Tom Santen (tsanten@stsimonchurch. org) or Teresa Roberson-Mullins ( For information, join the Facebook group Search for Christian Maturity, St. Louis.
Parenting help
Saint Louis Counseling is offering Parenting the Love and Logic Way classes from 6-8 p.m. Wednesdays, Nov. 9, 16, 23 and 30 at Saint Louis Counseling’s O’Fallon office, 311 South Main, Suite 100. Teaching simple, practical and easy techniques help children how to become more responsible, encouraging the home-school connection and promoting collaboration among parents, teachers and children create a positive atmosphere. The practical, easy-to-use solutions help families with a teenager or toddler. Register by calling (636) 281-1990.
Field hockey champs
The Villa Duchesne varsity field hockey team defeated Mary Institute Country Day School 2-0 Oct. 30 at Sportport of Maryland Heights to win the state championship. It’s the team’s 12th Midwest Field Hockey Tournament championship and fourth in the last five years. Ella Anthon and Katie Crump scored for Villa Duchesne. Claire Douglass had the shutout in goal. During their state tournament run, the Saints scored 19 goals and allowed 0. “I am so incredibly proud of this group of girls, not just today but for their entire season. Since early August, they have come to every practice and game with heart, teamwork and so much positivity. … Everyone could feel the energy from the team, parents and our amazing fans. It’s a great day to be a Saint,” Kate Graft, coach of the team, said in a social media post.
Prayer Service for Spiritual Healing
Archbishop Mitchell T. Rozanski will preside at a Prayer Service for Spiritual Healing at 7 p.m. Monday, Nov. 22, at St. Alphonsus Liguori “Rock” Church, 1118 N. Grand Blvd. in St. Louis. Enter the church at doors on Cook Ave. All victims/survivors of physical, sexual, emotional or verbal abuse by anyone — clergy, family, friends, co-workers or strangers — are invited to attend. Family members and friends of survivors are encouraged to participate, as well as those who are involved in helping abused people, and who want to pray for healing, reconciliation, and the prevention of abuse. The archdiocese’s Office of Child and Youth Protection, in collaboration with the Office of Sacred Worship, is organizing and sponsoring the prayer service. For more information, contact Carol Brescia, victim assistance coordinator, at or (314) 378-3627.