Archdiocesan news

Abuse allegation reported against retired priest

Archbishop Robert J. Carlson has announced a recently reported allegation of sexual abuse of a minor against a retired priest, Father John Robert “Jack” Campbell, which occurred in the 1960s at St. Louis Preparatory Seminary South in Shrewsbury.

Father Campbell, 85, has been retired from ministry since 1989 and currently resides in a private residence. Reports of abuse by Father Campbell were first made in the 1990s, prior to the adoption of the U.S. bishops’ Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People in 2002. Father Campbell is on permanent administrative leave which prohibits him from engaging in priestly ministry. The Review Board of the archdiocese considers the new allegation to be credible.

An announcement about the allegation will be made in the parishes where Father Campbell served in keeping with the U.S. bishops’ charter to ensure transparency in communicating with the public about allegations of sexual abuse of minors and as an outreach to potential victims. Father Campbell was on the faculty of Prep South. He also taught at St. Pius X High School in Festus in the 1980s. Ordained in 1958, his parish assignments included St. Elizabeth in Crestwood, St. Edward in St. Louis, Notre Dame de Lourdes in Wellston and Sacred Heart in Valley Park.

A statement from the archdiocese noted that “we continue to pray for the victims of the grave evil of sexual abuse.” The statement encouraged all persons with reports of abuse of a minor involving a member of the clergy or other church personnel to contact Sandra Price, executive director of the Office of Child and Youth Protection, at (314) 792-7271, the Missouri Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline at (800) 392-3738 and/or law enforcement officials.