Obituary | Sister Mary Lillian Baumann, CSJ
A memorial Mass for Sister Mary Lillian Baumann, CSJ, was held on June 5 at Nazareth Living Center in south St. Louis County. Sister Lillian died May 28 at Nazareth Living Center. She was 86.
Sister Lillian, baptized Anna Lois, was born on Jan. 28, 1938, in Indianapolis. She was received into the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet in 1958. She received a bachelor’s degree in elementary education from Fontbonne College (now University) in 1962.
Sister Lillian began her years as a CSJ teaching elementary education. She taught at St. Joseph School in Marietta, Georgia (1962-67); St. Joseph Industrial School in Keshena, Wisconsin (1967-74); and Holy Angels School in Indianapolis (1974-79).
Transitioning to social work, Sister Lillian served at the Metropolitan Area Citizen Organization in Indianapolis as a neighborhood betterment worker (1979-81) and then as the associate director (1981-85). Moving to St. Louis in 1985, Sister Lillian served at Fr. Tolton Catholic Outreach, first as the coordinator for seven years, then as director her final year there.
For 17 years, Sister Lillian served her CSJ community in St. Louis. She volunteered at Nazareth Living Center for 10 years. Then, she went to work in the Development Office (now Mission Advancement Office) at the St. Joseph Provincial House in St. Louis. In 2005, she began as an office worker, and since 2011, she had served as the donor relations assistant.
After her retirement in 2017, Sister Lillian resided at Nazareth Living Center, where she continued to carry out her ministry of prayer and presence until her passing.