
OBITUARY | Sister Erlinda (Mary Lydia) Gurule, OLPH

Sr. Gurule

Sister Erlinda (Mary Lydia) Gurule died on June 30 at the age of 82.

Born in Cebolla, New Mexico, Sister Erlinda entered the Franciscan Sisters of Our Lady of Perpetual Help in 1957 and made final vows in 1963. She ministered as teacher, principal and teacher’s aide.

In the Archdiocese of St. Louis, Sister Erlinda served at St. Adalbert School in St. Louis. She also served in Chicago Heights, Illinois; Trinidad, Colorado; Monroe, Louisiana; Clyde, Ohio; El Paso, Texas; and Santa Fe, Raton, Santa Cruz, and Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Sister Erlinda was known as primary school teacher who was loved by her students. She was nominated as an outstanding educator by the Catholic Education Office Diocese of Toledo, Ohio, and the Archdiocese of Santa Fe, New Mexico.

She was one of 15 children and is survived by six sisters and five brothers. A private burial took place in Resurrection Cemetery July 3.