
OBITUARY | Sister Annette LeDuc, DC

Sr. LeDuc

Graveside burial services for Sister Annette LeDuc, DC, were held June 4 at Marillac Cemetery in Normandy. Sister Annette died on May 29 at The Sarah Community, Bridgeton. She was 96 years of age and had a vocation for 61 years as a Daughter of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul.

Sister Annette was buried next to her sister, Sister Helen LeDuc, DC. A memorial Mass will be held at a later date.

Sister Annette (baptized Onita) was born Dec. 28, 1923, in Highland, Ill., one of four girls and three boys born to Alvin J. and Orda M. (Heinrich) LeDuc. She was a 1955 graduate of Soldan High School in St. Louis, and she entered the Community of Daughters of Charity in June of 1958.

After completing her initial formation, Sister Annette was missioned to Marillac College in Normandy, where she served as a typist in the Office of Registrar (1959-60) Then she served as an accountant at O’Connor Hospital in San Jose, California (1960-66). Sister Annette served for one year as an accountant and portress at St. Elizabeth Home in New Orleans (1966-67) before returning to the St. Louis area where she would serve for the next 22 years.

Sister Annette served as an accountant and, a year later, added director of purchases to her accountant position at St. Anne Home (1967-75); as director of purchases at DePaul Health Center (1975-76); and as an accountant in the Treasurer’s Office at the Marillac Provincialate (1976-89). In 1989, She was missioned to Marywood (Home of the Holy Infancy) in Austin, Texas, where she served as an accountant (1989-91). She next served on the hospitality team at the Marillac Provincial House in St. Louis (1991-94). She returned to Texas where she served as a volunteer at St. Paul Medical Center, Dallas (1994-2001) and St. Paul University Hospital, Dallas (2001-04). In 2004, Sister Annette entered into a ministry of prayer at The Sarah Community in Bridgeton, where she served until the time of her death.

Sister Annette is survived by her sister, Linda LeDuc.