
OBITUARY | Father Anthony (Tony) Judge, CSSR

Fr. Judge

A funeral Mass for Redemptorist Father Anthony (Tony) Judge was to have been celebrated Aug. 14. at St. Alphonsus “Rock” Church in St. Louis. Father Judge died Aug. 5 in Minneapolis. He was 68 years old.

Born in St. Louis, he was the second youngest of seven children. His tightknit, loving family was very devoted to Our Mother of Perpetual Help and very involved in St. Alphonsus “Rock” Church. Two of his sisters joined the School Sisters of Notre Dame, and Tony was inspired to enroll in the Redemptorist seminary system by two uncles who were Redemptorist priests and the confreres serving at the “Rock” Church.

He professed temporary vows in 1973 and perpetual vows in 1973. He was ordained to the priesthood by Redemptorist Bishop Gutemberg Freire Régis of Brazil on May 21, 1979.

In his first assignment, Father Judge was sent to the Amazon Region of Brazil. He embraced the people and the culture and served as a parish priest at Our Lady of Grace Church in Codajás, Amazonas, from 1980-85, and as pastor and local superior of St. Ann Parish in Coari, Amazonas, from 1985-90. He formed lifelong friendships and enjoyed many adventures ministering to people living in the small towns and villages along the Rio Negro and Rio Amazonas.

When he returned to the United States, Father Judge learned Spanish so that he could provide pastoral care to Hispanics and newly arrived immigrants. He was assigned as a parish priest at Our Lady of Peace Parish in Greeley, Colorado, from 1990-92, and served as pastor and local superior of St. Joseph Parish, which serves a large Hispanic community in Denver, from 1992-99.

During his next assignment as an itinerant missionary preacher, Father Judge served as bilingual coordinator of the Redemptorist Hispanic Ministry at Holy Redeemer in Oakland, California. In 2001, he was selected to serve as superior of a new Redemptorist Hispanic Mission in Liberal, Kansas, that was founded primarily for the evangelization of Hispanic migrants in the Diocese of Dodge City. The initiative was successfully concluded in 2008.

Father Judge joined the Redemptorist Mission Team in Chicago as a missionary preacher in 2008 and was appointed director of the Mission Team in 2011. Four years later, he was assigned associate pastor of St. Alphonsus Parish, the large multicultural parish in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota, where he was serving at the time of his death.

A memorial Mass for Father Judge was to have been celebrated Aug. 12 in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota. Burial will be in the Redemptorist Cemetery in Liguori, Missouri.