JUBILARIANS | Sisters of St. Francis of Oldenburg
Sisters of St. Francis, Oldenburg (OSF)
60th Entrance
Sister Laure Poeling
Birth name: Margaret Poeling
Birth place: Portage des Sioux
Entrance: 1962
First profession: 1964
Final profession: 1967
Education: Bachelor’s in biology, Marian College, Indianapolis, Indiana, 1972
Master’s in science education, Creighton University, Omaha, Nebraska, 1979
Bachelor’s in nursing, Marian College, Indianapolis, Indiana, 1993
Service in the archdiocese: Teacher, St. Catherine of Alexandria School, 1975-81
Psychiatric nursing, St. Joseph Hospital, Wentzville, 2008-15
Service outside the archdiocese: Teacher, St. Andrew School, Richmond, Indiana, 1964-65
Teacher, St. Catherine School, Cincinnati, 1965-67
Teacher, St. Christopher School, Indianapolis, 1967-73
Teacher, Our Lady of Angels High School, St. Bernard, Ohio, 1973-75
Teacher, St. Joseph School, Kansas City, Missouri, 1981-83
Teacher, Sacred Heart School, Fairfield, Ohio, 1983-84
Registered nurse, St. Francis Hospital, Beech Grove, Indiana, 1993- 2001
Massage therapist, Sisters of St. Francis Motherhouse, Oldenburg, Indiana, 2001-08
About Sister Laure Poeling: I was raised in a small town with a big name, Portage des Sioux. I loved my school, St. Francis of Assisi, and everything about being a kid — climbing trees, playing ball, water skiing, and hanging out in front of a TV with three channels. Looking back, I recognize that a lot of our lives at that time centered around church, school and community. If there was something that needed doing, we were all a part of it. Religious life for me continues to be about community, just on a larger scale. Whatever the task, we are always better together.
Sisters of St. Francis, Oldenburg (OSF)
70th Entrance
Sister Edna (Sister Vera) Martini
Birth place: Cincinnati, Ohio
Entrance: 1951
First profession: 1954
Final profession: 1957
Education: Bachelor’s in elementary education, Marian College, Indianapolis, Indiana, 1960
Master’s in education, Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 1970
Early childhood education certificate, State of Missouri, 2004
Service in the archdiocese: Teacher, Holy Trinity School, St. Louis, 1957-59
Teacher, Holy Cross School, St. Louis, 1959-61
Teacher, St. Catherine of Alexandria School, St. Louis, 1961-67
Preschool director and teacher, St. Peter Claver School, St. Louis, 1988-92
Preschool program director and teacher, Holy Trinity School, St. Louis 1992-2007
Tutor, St. Francis Cabrini Academy, St. Louis, 2007-08
Pre-kindergarten teacher, Cathedral Basilica School, St. Louis, 2008-12
Volunteer tutor, St. Margaret of Scotland School, St. Louis, 2012-15
Service outside the archdiocese: Teacher, Holy Trinity School, Indianapolis, 1953-56
Teacher, Holy Rosary School, Indianapolis, 1956-57
Teacher, St. Michael School, Indianapolis, 1967-70
Teacher, St. Joseph School, Cincinnati, 1970-71
Teacher, St. Pius School, Cincinnati, 1971-87
About Sister Edna Martini: Living life as a Franciscan Sister of Oldenburg continues to develop the traits of Christian living that were instilled in me as a child. God shared all of creation with us and now as a community we share our love of God and our life by the sharing of our prayers, time, talents, possessions, knowledge, joys and sorrows — everything — with each other. We know that all good belongs to God. One of the most unexpected (and all but unbelievable) bonuses in my religious life was the gift of traveling abroad in Italy, Ireland and China. These adventures have provided me with many wonderful memories. During my teaching career I received and appreciated a couple of wonderful awards. However, I now realize that they are transient. The award that means the most to me, continues to be a big part of my life today. This most treasured plaque that I received claims that I live like a frog — Fully Reliant On God. The acronym FROG (Fully Rely On God) entered my life many years ago. I hope always to keep these words in my mind as I continue trying to live out the words, even as I draw my last breath.
Sisters of St. Francis, Oldenburg (OSF)
70th Entrance
Sister Dolores (Sister Joseph Mary) Meyer
Birth place: St. Louis
Entrance: 1951
First profession: 1954
Final profession: 1957
Education: Bachelor’s in elementary education, Marian College, Indianapolis, 1960
Service in the archdiocese: Teacher, Sacred Heart School, Troy
Teacher, Holy Trinity School, St. Louis, 1961-67
Teacher, Holy Cross School, St. Louis, 1982-83
Pastoral minister and religion teacher, Holy Cross Parish, St. Louis, 1983-87
Parish minister, Immaculate Conception Parish, Old Monroe, 1987- 2010
Service outside the archdiocese: Teacher, Little Flower School, Indianapolis, 1953-55
Teacher, St. Mark School, Indianapolis, 1955-56
Teacher, St. Michael School, Brookville, 1956-57
Teacher, Sacred Heart School, Clinton, Indiana, 1958-59
Teacher, St. Mary School, Indianapolis, 1959-61
Teacher, St. Xavier Mission School, St. Xavier, Montana, 1967-71
Teacher, St. Charles Mission School, Pryor, Montana, 1971-73 and 1975-76
Teacher and principal, St. Xavier Mission School, St. Xavier, Montana, 1973-74
Teacher, Catholic Central School, New Albany, Indiana, 1976-80
Director of religious education and pastoral minister, St. Joseph Parish, Evansville, Indiana, 1980-82
About Sister Dolores Meyer: When I entered the convent, I felt I was there to follow God’s lead. Wherever I was sent was coming from God, so I was happy to go. I am pretty laid back so I got along with all those I lived with and learned a lot from them and the principals I worked with. In Missouri, I was mostly in pastoral ministry work. I loved helping others and many people helped me. I liked being in new places and learning new things.