Jubilarians | Sisters of Providence of St. Mary-of-the-woods (SP)
70th Entrance
Sister Kathleen Dede, formerly Sister Marie Arthur

Birth name: Kathleen Dede
Birthplace: Terre Haute, Indiana
Entrance: 1954
First profession: 1956
Final profession: 1961
Education: Bachelor’s in education, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College
Master’s of social work, Saint Louis University
Master’s of theological studies, the Franciscan School of Theology
Service in the archdiocese: Social worker, Crippled Children Association, St. Louis, 1971-73
Director of social services, Crippled Children Association, St. Louis, 1973-77
Service outside the archdiocese: Ministry in Indiana, Illinois, California, Mississippi and Florida.
75th Entrance
Sister Barbara Ann Bluntzer, formerly Sister Mary Martha

Birth name: Barbara Ann Bluntzer
Birthplace: Corpus Christi, Texas
Entrance: 1949
First profession: 1952
Final profession: 1957
Education: Bachelor’s in education, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College
Master’s in elementary education, Indiana University
Service in the archdiocese: Teacher, Our Lady of Providence, St. Louis, 1967-69.
Service outside the archdiocese: Ministry in Indiana, Oklahoma, Texas, Kentucky and Illinois.
Sister Margaret Norris, formerly Sister Marie Angeline

Birth name: Margaret Norris
Birthplace: Jasper, Indiana
Entrance: 1949
First profession: 1952
Final profession: 1957
Education: Bachelor’s in education, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College
Master’s in education, Indiana University
Service in the archdiocese: Teacher, Annunziata, St. Louis, 1962-65
Service outside the archdiocese: Ministry in Illinois, North Carolina and Indiana