Archdiocesan news

Jubilarians | Sisters of Mercy of the Americas (RSM)

50th Entrance

Sister Carolyn McWatters, RSM

Birthplace: Cherry Point, North Carolina

Entrance: 1969

First profession: 1972

Final profession: 1975

Education: Bachelor’s in intermediate education, Sacred Heart College, Belmont, North Carolina, 1976

Master’s in theology, St. Michael’s College, Colchester, Vermont, 1985

Master’s in divinity studies, Aquinas Institute of Theology, St. Louis, 2000

Certificate in spiritual direction, Aquinas Institute of Theology, St. Louis, 2000

Service in the archdiocese: Member of Mercy Collaborative Novitiate Community, St. Louis, 1996-99

Member of Mercy Institute Novitiate Community, St. Louis, 2012-15

Liturgy and music director, St. Francis Xavier College Church, St. Louis, 2017-

Liturgy coordinator, St. Francis Xavier College Church, St. Louis, 2020-present

Service outside the archdiocese: Faculty, St. Mary’s School, Wilmington, North Carolina, 1972-75

Director of religious education, St. Patrick’s Parish, Charlotte, North Carolina, 1976-81

Faculty, Charlotte Catholic High School, Charlotte, North Carolina, 1981-96

Liturgy and music director, St. Clare Parish, O’Fallon, Illinois, 2000-15

About Sister Carolyn McWatters, RSM: The desire to seek God and the corresponding spirituality that has grown in me has been the driving force in my life. Living as a Sister of Mercy has provided me with wonderful opportunities to discover God in my sisters and in God’s people, and to grow through theological education. Music has always been a life-giving outlet for me, enabling me to use my gift of song to help lead people in prayer. I love all things liturgical, and I revel in opportunities to prepare people to engage in liturgical ministries. The Universe Story, as well as my pet kitty, have opened me to the sacramentality of this created world, and helped me to appreciate the interconnectedness of everything. God is so faithful, and I recognize with gratitude the immense gift of these past 50 years.

60th Entrance

Sister Reine Marie Martin, RSM

Birth name: Jane Frances Martin

Birthplace: St. Louis

Entrance: 1960

First profession: 1963

Final profession: 1968

Education: Certificate in nursing, St. John’s Hospital, St. Louis, 1955

Bachelor’s in nursing, St. Mary’s College, Xavier, Kansas, 1967

Certificate in chaplaincy, National Association of Catholic Chaplains, 1999

Service in the archdiocese: Nursing service supervisor, St. John’s Mercy Medical Center, St. Louis, 1963-65

Chaplaincy, St. John’s Mercy Medical Center, St. Louis, 1991-2005

Works of mercy, St. John’s Mercy Hospital, Washington, 2005-14

Chaplaincy volunteer, Mercy Hospital-Washington, 2014-17

Prayer and works of mercy, Catherine’s Residence, St. Louis, 2017-present

Service outside the archdiocese: Nurse supervisor, St. John’s Hospital, Springfield, Missouri, 1969-76

Nursing service supervisor, Mercy Hospital, Independence, Kansas, 1976-89

About Sister Reine Marie Martin, RSM: Sister Reine grew up in north St. Louis County. She has had an on and off ministry with Mercy Hospital St. Louis, Springfield, Missouri, and southeast Kansas. Her ministry at Mercy Hospital St. Louis ended in 2005 when she moved to Washington. Sister Reine enjoys reading mysteries and is an avid St. Louis Cardinals fan. She has many nieces and nephews scattered throughout the United States.

60th Entrance

Sister Mary Judith Ann Carron (formerly Sister James Mary)

Birth name: Judith Ann Carron

Birthplace: St. Louis

Entrance: 1960

First profession: 1963

Final profession: 1968

Education: Nursing certificate, St. John’s Mercy Medical Center, 1964

Bachelor’s in nursing, Saint Louis University, 1966

Certificate, Jesuit School of Theology, Loyola University, Chicago, Illinois, 1976

Advanced certificate, U.S. Catholic Chaplains, 1985

Advanced certificate, National Association of Catholic Chaplains, 2000

Advanced certificate, pediatric palliative care, 2003

Service in the archdiocese: Student nurse, St. John’s Hospital, 1958-60

Formation team, Sisters of Mercy, Province of St. Louis, 1974-75 and, 1976-77

Infection control nurse/chaplain, St. Francis Mercy Hospital, Washington, 1977-79

Pastoral counselor/chaplain, Cardinal Glennon Hospital, 1979-86

Director of pastoral care, Cardinal Glennon Hospital, 1987-2000

Care coordinator/chaplain, Footprints program at Cardinal Glennon Children’s Medical Center, 2002-2019

Exceptional experience coordinator, Cardinal Glennon Children’s Medical Center, 2019-2020

Retired April 2020

Service outside the archdiocese: Pediatrics supervisor/assistant director of nursing, St. John’s Hospital, Springfield, Missouri, 1966-73

Primary board member, Sisters of Mercy Health System, 2000-11

About Sister Mary Judith Ann Carron: Sister Judy was born in St. Louis in 1940. She attended Incarnate Word Academy and then became a student nurse at St. John’s Hospital where she met the Sisters of Mercy and in 1960 entered their community. Sister Judy loves working with children and her first assignment after her formation years as a pediatric nurse leader in Springfield, Missouri, and later an infection control nurse in Washington. In 1979, she combined her experience as a nurse and hospital chaplain working at Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital for 41 years. She also worked with the hospital’s Ethics Committee to help develop a palliative care program for children called Footprints, which was supported by a grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Sister Judy has also had the privilege of 30-plus years of service on Mercy Health Systems boards and continues today to do so. The Sisters of Mercy’s Critical Concerns for immigrants, refugees and racism have influenced her ministry and are of prime importance to her today.

65th Entrance

Sister Marianne Postiglione, RSM

Birthplace: Corona, Long Island, New York

Entrance: 1955

First profession: Aug. 15, 1958

Final profession: Aug. 16, 1961

Education: Bachelor’s in music education, The Catholic University of America, 1961

Master’s in music education, The Catholic University of America, 1967

Master’s in communication, Saint Louis University, 1982

Service in the archdiocese: Director of communications, the Institute for Theological Encounter with Science and Technology (ITEST), 1986-2007

Associate director, (ITEST), 2007-present

Service outside the archdiocese: Teacher, Bishop Feehan High School, Attleboro, Massachusetts, 1961-65

Professor of music, Salve Regina University, Newport, Rhode Island, 1967-76

Director, Media Center, Providence, Rhode Island, 1976-80

Director of communications, Diocese of Providence, Rhode Island, 1981-84

Producer and host, WJAR-TV, “Marianne’s Funbunch” Christian Values show for children, 1976-79

About Sister Marianne Postiglione, RSM: Music has always been a big part of my life, in my DNA as some would say. As the fifth daughter of an Italian father and a German mother, I remember sitting around the dinner table as a child and singing with the family after supper, long after the food dried on the plates. We weren’t exactly the Von Trapp family, but family disputes or arguments seemed to dissipate quickly in the beauty of the home-grown harmony. Dare I say that the music was a prayer; a raising of the mind and heart to God? Witnessing the burgeoning growth of advances in sci/tech in the early 1980s, I wondered how the Church fared in this area. Was there a conflict between faith and science as many believed? I found an answer in ITEST where a lone Jesuit priest and his cohort of lay colleagues were raising the same question. Hence evolved my 30 year tenure at ITEST educating Christians about the complementarity of faith and science as parallel paths to the One Truth.

70th Entrance

Sister Mary Matthias Haberberger, RSM

Birthplace: Maxville, Missouri

Entrance: 1950

First profession: 1953

Final profession: 1956

Education: Bachelor’s in elementary education, Incarnate Word College, San Antonio, Texas, 1971

Service in the archdiocese: Teacher, Christ the King School, St. Louis, 1959-60

Assistant in retreat house, St. Joseph Convent, St. Louis, 1960, 1961-63, 1969-70

Housemother, Mercita Hall, St. Louis, 1967-68

Teacher, St. Joan of Arc School, St. Louis, 1972

Receptionist, Our Lady of Mercy Convent, St. Louis, 1977-80

Pastoral care, St. John’s Mercy Hospital, Washington, 1981

Pastoral care, St. John’s Mercy Medical Center, St. Louis, 1982-85

Receptionist, Sisters of Mercy Health System, St. Louis, 1988-91

Volunteer, St. John’s Mercy Medical Center, St. Louis, 1992-95

Support staff, St. Joseph Convent of Mercy, St. Louis, 1995-98

Volunteer, Mercy Hospital, St. Louis, 1998-2009

Prayer and works of mercy, Catherine’s Residence, St. Louis, 2009-present

Service outside the archdiocese: Teacher, Saints Simon and Jude, Gillespie, Illinois, 1955-58, 1968-69, 1972-75

Teacher, St. Francis Xavier School, Sikeston, Missouri, 1958-59

Teacher, St. Joseph School, Springfield, Missouri, 1960-61

Teacher, Immaculate Conception School, Rio Grande City, Texas, 1963-66

Teacher, Our Lady of Guadalupe School, Mission, Texas, 1966-67

Teacher, St. Eustachius School, Portageville, Missouri, 1975-77, 1980-81

Parish ministry, Our Lady of Mercy Convent, Caruthersville, Missouri, 1985-87

About Sister Mary Matthias Haberberger, RSM:

70th Entrance

Sister Mary Lizette Bathe, RSM (formerly Sister James Mary)

Birthplace: St. Louis

Entrance: 1950

First profession: 1953

Final profession: 1956

Education: Bachelor’s in economics, Saint Louis University, 1955

Master’s in secondary education, The Catholic University, Washington, D.C., 1966

Service in the archdiocese: Teacher, Mercy High School, St. Louis, 1955-65

Principal, Mercy High School, St. Louis, 1968-73

Provincial secretary, Sisters of Mercy, Province of St. Louis, 1973-78

Assistant archivist, Sisters of Mercy, Regional Community of St. Louis, 1992-94

Volunteer, St. Augustine-Wellston Center, St. Louis, 1994-2014

Volunteer, Birthright Counseling of St. Louis, St. Louis, 2009-14

Chair of donation committee, Catherine’s Residence, St. Louis, 2016-present

Service outside the archdiocese: Teacher/principal, Sacred Heart High School, Hattiesburg, Mississippi, 1965-66

Teacher, St. Joseph High School, Greenville, Mississippi, 1966-67

Sponsorship coordinator, St. John’s Regional Health Center, Springfield, Missouri, 1979-90

Mission effectiveness, St. John’s Regional Health Center, Springfield, Missouri, 1990-91

About Sister Mary Lizette Bathe, RSM (formerly Sister James Mary):

70th Entrance

Sister Mary Jonella Rhoda, RSM

Birth name: Joan Louise Rhoda

Birthplace: St. Louis

Entrance: 1950

First profession: 1953

Final profession: 1956

Education: Bachelor’s in elementary education, Webster College, St. Louis, 1955

Master’s in mathematics, Saint Louis University, 1967

Service in the archdiocese: Teacher, Mercy High School, St. Louis, 1962-66

Supervisor, Mercita Hall, St. Louis, 1967-73

Principal, Mercy High School, St. Louis, 1973-80

Leadership, Sisters of Mercy Province of St. Louis, St. Louis, 1985-92

Community representative for retirement, Sisters of Mercy, Regional Community of St. Louis, 2002-06

Administrator, Catherine’s Residence, St. Louis, 2006-09

Volunteer, Mercy Neighborhood Ministry, St. Louis, 2009-13

Board service, St. Louis, 2013-16

Prayer and works of mercy, St. Louis, 2016-present

Service outside the archdiocese: Teacher, St. Francis Xavier School, Sikeston, Missouri, 1955-58

Teacher, Saints Simon and Jude School, Gillespie, Illinois, 1958-62

Teacher, Mount St. Mary Academy, Little Rock, Arkansas, 1966-67

Principal, Mercy Academy, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1980-85

Administrator, Catherine McAuley Convent, Barling, Arkansas, 1993-99

Outreach Care Coordinator, McAuley Place, Metairie, Louisiana, 1999-2002

About Sister Mary Jonella Rhoda, RSM: I love being a Sister of Mercy and have enjoyed all my varied ministries. My favorite quote is “Religious life is not so much a life to be lived, as a Person to be loved.” I enjoy sewing, reading, gardening and playing cards.

Sisters of Mercy of the Americas (RSM)

70th Entrance

Sister Cleopha Ruth Heinrich, RSM

Birthplace: Slaton, Texas

Entrance: 1950

First profession: 1953

Final profession: 1953

Education: Bachelor’s in elementary education, Webster College, St. Louis, 1955

Master’s in education administration, Our Lady of the Lake College, San Antonio, Texas, 1969

Service in the archdiocese: Teacher, Annunciation School, Webster Groves, 1977-80

Eucharistic minister and prayer leader, Catherine’s Residence, St. Louis, 2016-present

Service outside the archdiocese: Teacher, St. Joseph School, Slaton, Texas, 1955-58

Teacher and principal, Umbarger Public Schools, Umbarger, Texas, 1955-65, 1966-67

Teacher and principal, St. Joseph School, Slaton, Texas, 1967-70

Teacher, Immaculate Conception School, Little Rock, Arkansas, 1970-72

Teacher and principal, Our Lady of Guadalupe School, Amarillo, Texas, 1972-77

Principal, Our Lady of Guadalupe School, Amarillo, Texas, 1981-83

Associate director of senior program, Our Lady of Lourdes Community Center, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1983-92

Director of women’s empowerment program, Catholic Family Services, Lubbock, Texas, 1992-2001

Volunteer, St. Gabriel Mercy Center, Mound Bayou, Mississippi, 2002-14

About Sister Cleopha Ruth Heinrich, RSM: She was a teacher and principal in schools in Texas and Arkansas. She also ministered in New Orleans, Louisiana, and Mound Bayou, Mississippi. She moved to Catherine’s Residence in 2014.

75th Entrance

Sister Rita May Killian, RSM (formerly Sister Fintan)

Birthplace: St. Louis

Entrance: 1945

First profession: 1948

Final profession: 1951

Education: Bachelor’s in elementary education, Webster College, St. Louis, 1957

Master’s in mathematics, Saint Louis University, 1966

Master’s in theology, Spring Hill College, Mobile, Alabama, 1988

Service in the archdiocese: Teacher, Mercy High School, St. Louis, 1972-79

Spiritual direction and retreat ministry, Mercy Conference and Retreat Center, St. Louis, 1990-99

Prayer and works of mercy, Catherine’s Residence, St. Louis, 2017-present

Service outside the archdiocese: Teacher and choir director, St. Eustachius School, Portageville, Missouri, 1948-54

Teacher and choir director, Saints Simon and Jude, Gillespie, Illinois, 1954-57

Teacher and choir director, St. Ambrose School, Chaffee, Missouri, 1957-58

Teacher, Mount St. Mary Academy, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 1972-79

Teacher, Mount St. Mary Academy, Little Rock, Arkansas, 1979-82

Director of religious education, Our Lady of Guadalupe School and Parish, Amarillo, Texas, 1983-84

Director of religious education, St. Patrick School and Parish, Meridian, Mississippi, 1984-89

Director of religious education and pastoral minister, St. Francis of Assisi Parish, 1989-90

Volunteer, Mississippi Delta Ministries, Indianola, Mississippi, 1999-2005

Tutor, St. Gabriel Mercy Center, Mound Bayou, Mississippi, 2005-14

Convent duties, Catherine McAuley Convent, Barling, Arkansas, 2014-17

Support staff, Mercy Hospital – Fort Smith, Fort Smith, Arkansas, 2016-17

About Sister Rita May Killian, RSM (formerly Sister Fintan): Sister Rita May (Fintan) Killian was born September 13, 1927, in University City. She entered the Sisters of Mercy in 1945. She taught 10 years in elementary grades, and 24 years in high school mathematics in St. Louis, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, and Little Rock, Arkansas. She did parish work in Mississippi six years, was on the staff of Mercy Retreat and Conference Center in Frontenac nine years, and then moved to northeast Mississippi Delta where she taught GED mathematics and computer skills in Indianola and Mound Bayou for 13 years, and retired to Catherine’s Residence in St. Louis.

75th Entrance

Sister Mary Rosella McNamee, RSM

Birthplace: St. Louis

Entrance: 1946

First profession: 1948

Final profession: 1951

Education: Bachelor’s in elementary education, Webster College and Saint Louis University, St. Louis, 1956

Master’s in secondary education, Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 1970

Service in the archdiocese: Teacher, Christ the King School, University City, 1950-62

Teacher, St. Joan of Arc School, St. Louis, 1962-66

Teacher, Annunciation School, St. Louis, 1966-68

Principal, Christ the King School, University City, 1968-2006

Volunteer, Sisters of Mercy, Regional Community of St. Louis, 2007-08

Receptionist, Mercy Conference and Retreat Center, St. Louis, 2008-16

Nurse station receptionist, Catherine’s Residence, St. Louis, 2016-present

Service outside the archdiocese: Teacher, St. Ambrose School, Chaffee, Missouri, 1948-50

About Sister Mary Rosella McNamee, RSM: Sister Rosella, an avid St. Louis Cardinals fan, spent most of her religious life loving and working with elementary school age children as a teacher and then principal of Christ the King School in University City. She enjoys listening to music, wheeling herself in her wheelchair to visit the other retired sisters at Catherine’s Residence, reading her prayer books and praying the Rosary.

75th Entrance

Sister Mary Concetta Cardinale, RSM

Birthplace: Chanute, Kansas

Entrance: 1945

First profession: 1946

Final profession: 1951

Education: Bachelor’s in nursing education, St. Mary College, Xavier, Kansas, 1956

Master’s in nursing, University of Maryland, Baltimore, Maryland, 1972

Service in the archdiocese: Ministry of prayer and works of mercy, Catherine’s Residence, St. Louis, 2010-present

Service outside the archdiocese: Nursing supervisor, Mercy Hospital, Fort Scott, Kansas, 1948-52

Nursing floor supervisor, Mercy Hospital, Independence, Kansas, 1952-53

Night nursing supervisor, St. Elizabeth’s Mercy Hospital, Hutchinson, Kansas, 1953-54

Nursing floor supervisor, St. Elizabeth’s Mercy Hospital, Hutchinson, Kansas, 1956-59

Operating room supervisor/clinical instructor, Mercy Hospital, Fort Scott, Kansas, 1959-67

Operating room supervisor, St. Elizabeth’s Mercy Hospital, Hutchinson, Kansas, 1967-70

Home health agency nursing director, St. Elizabeth’s Mercy Hospital, Hutchinson, Kansas, 1971-73

Administrator and health officer, Reno County Health Department, Hutchinson, Kansas, 1973-81

Community health instructor, Wichita State University, Wichita, Kansas, 1981-87

Director of senior programs and Mercy Compassion Care, Mercy Health Center, Fort Scott, Kansas, 1987-2010

About Sister Mary Concetta Cardinale, RSM:
