Jubilarians | Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word (Houston) (CCVI)
60th First Profession
Sister Mary Ita Harnett

Birthplace: County Limerick, Ireland
Entrance: 1962
First profession: 1964
Final profession: 1969
Education: Bachelor’s in nursing, Dominican College, Houston, Texas, 1972
Certificate in ministry to the bereaved, Archdiocese of New York Department of Education, 1993
Master’s in pastoral studies, Loyola University, New Orleans, 2000
Certificate in spiritual direction, Aquinas Institute of Theology, 2006
Service in the archdiocese: Service at formation house and international novitiate for formation of CCVI novices, 2004-22
Volunteer at St. Pius V Food Pantry, Clayton Jail and St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry
Service outside the archdiocese: Nursing supervisor, St. Elizabeth Hospital Beaumont Texas, 1973-75
Nursing supervisor, St. Edward’s, Cameron, Texas, 1975-76
Nursing supervisor, Cabrini Hospital, Alexandria, Louisiana, 1976-86
Assistant matron, Carrigoran House, Ireland, 1985-91
Hospice nurse, Bereavement Care Coordinator, Alexandria, Louisiana, 1992-2002
About Sister Mary Ita Harnett: I was born into a family of five. I am the third child, the first girl. I received the foundation for my spiritual life from my father and mother who made praying daily a priority for us. I felt a call to religious life even at a very young age. I attended high school at the Mercy Convent in our local parish. At age 17, I was recruited to join the sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word. I was so excited to have so many young girls in formation with me. We had lots of good times together, dancing and singing, playing tennis, and studying about the congregation. My favorite hobby besides walking and the outdoors is reading. My favorite quote is “all shall be well and all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well.” — Julian of Norwich.