Jubilarians | Holy Spirit Adoration Sisters (SSPSAP)
70th Profession of Religious Vows
Sister Mary Gemma Robinson

Birth name: Jean Ann Robinson
Birthplace: St. Louis
Entrance: 1951
First profession: 1954
Final profession: 1959
Education: High school graduate
Service in the archdiocese: Sister superior, Mount Grace Convent, St. Louis, 1971-77
First councilor, Mount Grace Convent, St. Louis, 1986-97
Sister superior, Mount Grace Convent, St. Louis, 1997-2009
First councilor, Mount Grace Convent, St. Louis, 2009-17
Service outside the archdiocese: First councilor, Adoration Convent of Divine Love, Austin, Texas, 1962-65
Sister superior, Adoration Convent of Divine Love, Austin, Texas, 1965-71
Sister superior, Convent of Divine Love, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1977-86
About Sister Mary Gemma Robinson: Sister Mary Gemma Robinson had experiences at various levels of leadership within our congregation. She was the organizer of the International Superior’s Assembly (ISA) both in 2000 and 2008, which took place here in St. Louis. She never took herself too seriously and she loved to laugh and tell very amusing stories from her past assignments. She was an ardent adorer of the Blessed Sacrament and fervent devotee of the Holy Spirit, and one would find her very often sitting in the back of the chapel, praying silently. She used to pray that she would be able to grow old gracefully, and the Lord heard her prayer. When she started to come out with dementia, she did not have self-pity or held on to anything about the past. She took everything in stride and even with a smile and having fun in the process. Music on free days and postludes at Sunday Vespers were a treat and she would follow every beat either clapping her hands or tapping her feet. The community was so delighted with her antics that her presence was most welcome at recreation and at the dining room on speak days. She would not hide when something was unpleasant to her, though. We would know it by the rolling of her eyes or a little sour face, but no comment at all. At present she is quiet, mostly sleeping, waiting for the Lord’s summons to her heavenly reward.