Jubilarians | Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent DePaul (DC)
50th Entrance
Sister Mary Frances Barnes

Birthplace: Binghamton, New York
Entrance: 1974
Education: Bachelor’s in sociology, Siena College, Albany, New York, 1980
Master’s in religious education and theology, Boston College, Newton, Massachusetts, 1990
Certification as elementary school principal, Manhattan College, Bronx, New York, 1995
Permanent certification in intermediate French, Universite Laval, Quebec, Canada, 2002
Master’s in education, certification as elementary teacher, 1981
Permanent certification as school administrator and supervisor, New York State, 1996
Service in the archdiocese: Provincial councillor, Province of St. Louise, St. Louis, 2017-present
Board member of Formation and Finance Commission, St. Louis, 2017-present
Provincial secretary, Province of St. Louise, St. Louis, 2022-23
Service outside the archdiocese: Catechist and religion teacher, St. Joseph Center, Oneida, New York, 1975-78
Elementary teacher, St. Joseph School, Holbrook, Massachusetts, 1980-87
Teacher and principal, St. Joseph School, Harlem, New York, 1987-95
Local Community superior, St. Joseph’s House, New York, 1991-95
Provincial secretary, Province of Albany, New York, 1995-2001
Secretariat, Filles de la Charite, Paris, France, 2002-06
Pastoral associate, Saints Philip and James Parish, Lisbon, New York, 2007-15
Local Community superior, Marguerite House, Ogdensburg, New York, 2011-15
Vocation director, St. Agnes House, Baltimore, Maryland, 2015-17
About Sister Mary Frances Barnes: I received my elementary education with the Daughters of Charity in my parish school of St. James in Johnson City, New York. Throughout my education, I experienced the simplicity of the sisters and their kindness towards those in need. In high school, we visited those who were sick at home or in the nursing home and served as catechists for those with special needs. After two years of college, I joined the Daughters in 1974. My ministries involved education as a catechist and an elementary teacher. I was assigned to service of the Province of Albany as the provincial secretary for six years after which I was asked to provide a similar service in the Secretariat of the International Daughters of Charity in Paris. There I lived with sisters from many of the 97 countries where the Daughters serve throughout the world. While I never traveled to mission countries, I met the missionaries and heard the stories of their service throughout the world. On return to the United States after four years, I served as a pastoral associate in a county parish at the Canadian border in upstate New York. I was later tapped to be a vocation director for the Province of St. Louise-USA, which I did for three years. Currently I am serving a second term on our council here at our province headquarters in St. Louis.
60th Entrance
Sister Marie Therese Sedgwick

Birth name: Mary Eileen
Birthplace: Chicago, Illinois
Entrance: 1964
Education: Bachelor’s in occupational therapy, Mount Mary College, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 1967
Bachelor’s in physical therapy, University of California, San Francisco, 1975
Master’s in administration, University of Notre Dame, Indiana, 1990
Service in the archdiocese: Provincial councillor, Marillac Provincialate, St. Louis, 1992-98
Board Member of DCHS-WC, 1992-98
Board Member of DC Foundation of St. Louis, 1995-2006
Provincial visitatrix, Marillac Provincialate, St. Louis, 1998-2007
Board Member of DC National Health Services, St. Louis, 1998-2000
Board Member of Ascension Health Sponsor Council, 1999-2007
Board Member of The Sarah Community, Bridgeton, 1998-2006
Service outside the archdiocese: Occupational and physical therapist and department director in Texas and Louisiana
Chief executive officer, DCS-San Antonio, Texas, 1990-92
Wellness educator and governance, Waco, Texas, 2007-15
Campus administrator, Mater Dei Campus, Evansville, Indiana, 2015-2021
About Sister Marie Therese Sedgwick: I enjoy time with my friends, swimming and baking, and am currently residing at The Sarah Community in Bridgeton.
70th Entrance
Sister Nancy Sullivan

Birth name: Nancy Carolyn
Birthplace: Boston, Massachusetts
Entrance: 1954
Education: Bachelor’s in history and social studies, Marillac College, St. Louis, 1961
Master’s in education and sociology, Saint Louis University, 1973
Service in the archdiocese: Elementary teacher, St. Boniface School, 1956-59
Elementary teacher, St. Vincent Grade School, Perryville, 1959-60 and 1961-64
Elementary teacher, St. Louis de Marillac School, St. Louis, 1960-61
Elementary teacher, Central Catholic Community School, St. Louis, 1965-69
Director, Project Door, St. Louis, 1970-73
Ministry of prayer, The Sarah Community, Bridgeton, 2018-present
Service outside the archdiocese: Ad Gentes, Motherhouse, Paris, France, 1973-74
English Teacher, St. Benoir School, Istanbul, Turkey, 1974-76
French, religion and science teacher, Collegio Madre Seton, Trinidad, Bolivia, 1977-79
English and social studies teacher, Escuela de Enfermerta, UCB, 1979-81
Education reporter, Casa Seton, Cochabamba, Bolivia, 1981-84
Health clinic director, Catholic Social Services, Little Rock, Arkansas, 1986-89
Nursing home administrator, United Health Services and Bremond Nursing Center, Bremond Texas, 1992-93
Marketing director, St. Ann Village, Catholic Charities, Dallas, Texas, 1994-97
Mission awareness director of justice and peace and diocesan representative to Hispanic Network, Dallas, 1997-2008
Mission associate and ambassador, Seton Family of Hospitals, Williamson, Texas, 2008-11
Parish minister, Our Lady of Assumption Parish, El Paso, Texas, 2015-18
75th Entrance
Sister Josephine Oldani

Birth name: Gloria Theresa
Birthplace: St. Louis
Entrance: 1949
Education: Bachelor’s in education, Fontbonne College, St. Louis, 1959
Master’s in European history, Saint Louis University, 1967
Certificate in education administration, Saint Louis University, 1971
Service in the archdiocese: Elementary teacher, St. Vincent Grade School, Perryville, 1953-59
Secondary principal, St. Vincent High School, Perryville, 1966-70, 1971-73
Secondary teacher, St. Vincent High School, Perryville, 1967-71
Provincial councillor, Marillac Provincial House, St. Louis, 1974-80
Administrative assistant, Catholic Charities, St. Louis, 1987-94
Director of accreditation, Catholic Charities, St. Louis, 1994-96
Director of advocacy and accreditation, Catholic Charities, St. Louis, 1996
Assistant director, Catholic Charities, St. Louis, 1996-98
Provincial treasurer, Marillac Provincial House, St. Louis, 1999-2005
Board member of Immigrant and Refugee Women’s Program, St. Louis, 2007-10
Board member of Guardian Angel Settlement Association, St. Louis, 2007-14
Local community superior, Maryland Heights, 1989-92, 2002-05
Local community superior, The Sarah Community, Bridgeton, 2010-13
Ministry of Prayer, The Sarah Community, Bridgeton, 2015-present
Service outside the archdiocese: Teacher, Cathedral School; Childcare Worker, St. Mary Home, Mobile, Alabama, 1950-53
Teacher and assistant principal, Notre Dame Grade and High School, Price, Utah, 1959-66
Secondary teacher and evaluation planner, Ascension Catholic High School, Donaldson, Louisiana, 1973-74
Secondary principal, Cardinal Stritch High School, Keokuk, Iowa, 1981-86