Jubilarians | Adrian Dominican Sisters (OP)
60th Reception
Sister Paul Jordan Walter
Birth name: Patricia Walter
Birthplace: Chicago, Illinois
Entrance: 1963
First profession: 1965
Education: Bachelor’s in French, Siena Heights College, 1966
Master’s in theology, Aquinas Institute of Theology, Dubuque, Iowa, 1973
Licentiate in theology, Jesuit School of Theology, Illinois, 1985
Doctorate in philosophical-systematic theology, Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, California, 1991
Service in the archdiocese: Assistant professor of systematic theology, Aquinas Institute of Theology, St. Louis, 1999-2008
Associate professor of systematic theology, Aquinas Institute of Theology, St. Louis, 2008-12
Service outside the archdiocese: Teacher, Queen of Heaven, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 1966-69
Graduate student, Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, California, 1979-85
Teacher, Corpus Christi, Piedmont, California, 1985-86
Instructor of systematic theology, St. Mary Seminary, Cleveland, Ohio, 1986-91
Professor of systematic theology, Center for Pastoral Leadership, Wickliffe, Ohio, 1991-92
Prioress, Adrian Dominican Sisters, Adrian, Michigan, 1992-98
Associate professor of religious study, Siena Heights University, Adrian, Michigan, 2012-17
Director of sisters in temporary profession, Adrian Dominican Sisters, Adrian, Michigan, 2018-23
Director of formation, Adrian Dominican Sisters, Adrian, Michigan, 2023-present
About Sister Paul Jordan Walter: When I was prioress, I appreciated the opportunity to meet so many of our sisters, to visit our institutions, to work with a wonderful general council. The experience of working with Dominican leadership in this country and internationally was really wonderful. God calls us to a vocation that really matches who we are. Sharing commitment with a wonderful group of women to a common mission has been a great gift to me.
75th Reception
Sister Marie Doloretta Delaplane
Birth name: Joan Delaplane
Birthplace: Chicago, Illinois
Entrance: 1949
First profession: 1950
Final profession: 1955
Education: Bachelor’s in English, Siena Heights College, Adrian, Michigan, 1955
Master’s in English, University of Detroit, 1960
Master of divinity, SS. Cyril and Methodius Seminary, Orchard Lake, Michigan, 1977
Master’s in religious studies, University of Detroit, 1977
Service in the archdiocese: Professor of homiletics, Aquinas Institute of Theology, St. Louis, 1981-2002
Service outside the archdiocese: Teacher, Our Lady of Sorrows, Farmington, Michigan, 1950-61
Teacher, St. Joseph Catholic High School, St. Joseph, Michigan, 1961-65
Assistant principal, Msgr. Gabrielle High School, Lansing, Michigan, 1965-69
Professor, Aquinas Institute of Ministry, Dubuque, Iowa, 1977-81
Spiritual director and retreat director, Adrian Dominican Sisters, Adrian, Michigan, 2002-present
About Sister Marie Doloretta Delaplane: I am blessed and grateful for 75 years as an Adrian Dominican teacher, preacher and spiritual director, who remains a happy camper on Earth.