DEAR FATHER | Eucharistic Congress is intended to foster devotion to the True Presence
What is the Eucharistic Congress?

The Eucharistic Congress is a national event taking place this summer as a culmination of the three-year Eucharistic Revival in the Church in the United States.
From July 17-21, tens of thousands of Catholics will gather in Indianapolis for prayer, conferences and liturgies to grow in appreciation and devotion to Jesus in the holy Eucharist.
The last National Eucharistic Congress was held in June 1941 at the Minnesota State Fairgrounds.
In preparation for the Congress, eucharistic pilgrimages are taking places throughout the United States. Just as the Olympic torch makes its way through towns and villages until it reaches the host city, so too is the Blessed Sacrament processing along four routes from the corners of the continental United States: the Headwaters of the Mississippi River at Lake Itasca, Minnesota; New Haven, Connecticut; Brownsville, Texas; and San Francisco. Pilgrims are participating in eucharistic processions along with acts of service and charity in each of the towns and cities through which it processes.
The western route, known as the St. Junipero Serra Route will process through St. Louis at the beginning of July! Please consider joining the events taking place in our own archdiocese.
On July 5, the pilgrims will arrive at St. Charles Borromeo Church in St. Charles. Participants will process to the nearby Shrine of St. Rose Philippine Duchesne. From there they will head to St. Peter Church in St. Charles for dinner and a time for eucharistic adoration. The day concludes with witness talks from the Eucharistic pilgrims.
Saturday, July 6, begins with a day of service for the pilgrims, followed by a time of adoration at the Missionaries of Charity in the afternoon. The Blessed Sacrament will process to St. Matthew the Apostle Parish where a vigil Mass will be celebrated with a reception to follow. The pilgrims will attend Mass at the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Louis on Sunday morning with Archbishop Rozanski. While their time in St. Louis is brief, I pray the witness of the pilgrims and time before the Eucharist will provide an impactful blessing to our archdiocese.
Why is the Eucharistic Congress happening now, and why should you consider attending the upcoming events? Because our Church is in dire need of a Eucharistic Revival. Tragically, a large number of Catholics, including those who are regular attendees at Mass, do not believe Jesus is truly, fully present in the holy Eucharist. A 2019 Pew Research study found only one-third of Catholics believe in the Eucharist. We must help everyone to believe when they receive holy Communion that Jesus “is the living bread that came down from heaven” (John 6:51).
Most readers of this column believe in the holy Eucharist. Our participation in the Eucharistic Revival can help us grow in devotion and can be a means of intercession for others to know Jesus’ great gift of His very self. Please consider joining the pilgrimage as it moves through St. Louis in the days to come.
Father Brian Fallon is the chaplain to the Catholic Student Center at Washington University and the director of vocations for the Archdiocese of St. Louis.