Clergy appointments for Dec. 12
Rev. Thomas M. Robertson, Rev. Paul J. Rothschild, Deacon Thomas Gerling
Rev. Thomas M. Robertson, pastor of St. George Parish in St. Louis, is appointed senior associate pastor of both St. George Parish, St. Louis, and St. Dominic Savio Parish, Affton, effective Jan. 3, 2017.
Rev. Paul J. Rothschild, while remaining pastor of St. Dominic Savio Parish, Affton, is also appointed pastor of St. George Parish, St. Louis, effective Jan. 3, 2017.
Deacon Thomas Gerling, a permanent deacon, assisting the pastor of Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish in House Springs as well as assisting the pastoral care department at St. Mary’s Hospital in Richmond Heights, is released from his assignment at St. Mary’s Hospital, but continues in his assignment of assisting the pastor of Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish, effective Dec. 1, 2016.