Steadfast in Faith

Chain reaction: Cleaning up Manhattan Project-era radioactive waste is an atomic-sized task

Lisa Johnston | | twitter: @aeternusphoto Dawn Chapman and Karen Nickel, founders of JustMoms STL, a group campaigning for the radioactive cleanup of the West Lake Landfill, stood in front of a Republic Services truck on trash pick-up day in their Bridgeton neighborhood. Dawn Chapman is a mother of three special needs children and her husband is fighting a rare auto-immune disorder. Karen Nickel grew up exposed to the radioactive Coldwater Creek site, and for the past twenty years, she has lived just under 2 miles away from the West Lake – Bridgeton Landfill Superfund Site.

Faith plays a role as spotlight shines on efforts to clean up Westlake Landfil and Coldwater Creek in St. Louis

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