
Archdiocesan briefs | Bridges Retreat

The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius Loyola, adapted for persons from all walks of life over an eight-month period, are offered through the Bridges Foundation based in St. Louis. The Bridges Retreat includes a commitment to about an hour of prayer each day, following a modern translation of the original text; personalized, one-on-one guidance from an experienced and trained prayer companion and weekly or monthly small community meetings at four locations throughout the St. Louis area. An online option is offered for those outside the area or who need a virtual experience.

The retreat runs from September to May and coincides with the Church’s liturgical calendar. Registration is limited each year to about 40 participants. Free information sessions (in-person and virtual) will be offered beginning in July. For more details about the retreat and a schedule of information sessions, visit www.bridgesfoundation.org. For questions, contact Steve Givens at executive.director@bridgesfoundation.org or (314) 401-2072.